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Town Council Meeting Materials

Date Time Type Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
12/12/2011 7:00 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
12/5/2011 8:00 am -9:00 am Ordinance Committee canceled - The Dec. 5, 2011 meeting of the Ordinance Committee has been canceled. The next Ordinance Committee will be scheduled after the new Ordinance Committee is appointed. Agenda
12/5/2011 7:30 pm Workshop and Caucus Agenda Supporting Documents
11/30/2011 8:00 am -9:00 am Ordinance Committee - Agenda updated 11/29/2011 - meeting will end at 9 a.m. Agenda Supporting Documents
11/21/2011 8:00 am Ordinance Committee Agenda Supporting Documents
11/16/2011 8:00 am Ordinance Committee Agenda Supporting Documents
11/15/2011 6:00 pm Appointments Committee - Interviews for annual citizen committee appointments (if needed).
11/14/2011 6:00 pm -7:15 pm gathering to honor Anne Swift-Kayatta - Some members of the Town Council will gather at the Local Buzz coffee shop to honor retiring Town Councilor Anne E. Swift-Kayatta. Past councilors who served with her, and current municipal department heads, have also been invited.
No formal business will be conducted. One of the presentations will be repeated at the formal Town Council meeting at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 14.
This is not a public meeting in form, but because the social gathering includes public officials, it is open for interested persons to attend.
11/14/2011 7:30 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
11/10/2011 6:00 pm Appointments Committee - Interviews for annual citizen committee appointments
11/9/2011 6:00 pm Appointments Committee - Interviews for annual citizen committee appointments
11/7/2011 8:00 am Ordinance Committee - Supplemental documents added 11/04/2011 Agenda Supporting Documents
11/7/2011 7:30 pm Workshop Agenda Supporting Documents
10/26/2011 8:00 am Ordinance Committee - Short Term Rental Inventory Supplement added 10/25/2011 Agenda Supporting Documents
10/12/2011 7:30 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
10/3/2011 7:30 pm Workshop Agenda Supporting Documents
9/21/2011 8:00 am Ordinance Committee Agenda Supporting Documents
9/12/2011 7:30 pm Meeting and Workshop - Workshop to follow - continuation of Town Center discussion started 09/06/2011 Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
9/6/2011 7:30 pm Workshop Agenda Supporting Documents
8/25/2011 5:30 pm Special Meeting - To include the unexpired School Board term of Kim Monaghan-Derrig on the Nov. 8, 2011 municipal election ballot and to set Aug. 26, 2011 as the date nominating petitions will be available for that seat. (see agenda) Agenda Minutes
8/17/2011 8:00 am Ordinance Committee canceled - Canceled due to last-minute, unavoidable schedule conflict of one member of the committee. The Ordinance Committee will next meet September 21, 2011 at 8 a.m. in the Jordan Conference Room, at which time the August meeting agenda items will be discussed. Agenda Supporting Documents
8/8/2011 7:30 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
7/21/2011 4:00 pm -5:30 pm Thomas Memorial Library Board of Trustees Special Meeting ( councilors Invited) - Followup Design Consideration Meeting with Casaccio Architects Supporting Documents
7/11/2011 7:30 pm Regular - Revised agenda 07/08/2011 Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
6/30/2011 7:00 pm Workshop - Town Council Discussion with Representatives of the Cape Elizabeth Land Trust. This meeting is intended to serve as a follow-up discussion to the Town Council action on June 13, 2011 at which the Council approved a pledge to assist with the Land Trust's intended purchase of the Robinson Woods II parcel. See Town Council chair's memo of June 20, 2011 Agenda Supporting Documents
6/27/2011 6:30 pm Kettle Cove Forum - councilors invited - A forum to gather suggestions, comments and concerns on fishing/lobstering issues, and on any other aspect of management of the Kettle Cove area.
6/15/2011 8:00 am Ordinance Committee (moved to June 14) - Rescheduled to June 14, 2011 None yet available
6/14/2011 8:00 am Ordinance Committee - Rescheduled from June 15, 2011 Agenda Supporting Documents
6/13/2011 7:30 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
6/8/2011 3:30 pm -5:00 pm Thomas Memorial Library Board of Trustees Special Meeting ( councilors Invited) - Followup Design Consideration Meeting with Casaccio Architects Supporting Documents
6/8/2011 6:00 pm -7:30 pm Thomas Memorial Library Board of Trustees Special Meeting ( councilors Invited) - Followup Design Consideration Meeting with Casaccio Architects Supporting Documents
6/6/2011 7:30 pm Workshop Agenda Supporting Documents
5/25/2011 6:00 pm -8:00 pm Appointments Committee - The committee will interview residents for vacancies on various town boards and commissions.
5/23/2011 6:00 pm -7:00 pm Appointments Committee - The committee will interview residents for vacancies on various town boards and commissions.
5/18/2011 8:00 am Ordinance Committee Agenda Supporting Documents
5/9/2011 7:30 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
5/2/2011 7:30 pm Workshop (canceled) - Tentative workshop date - canceled. None yet available
4/27/2011 8:00 am Ordinance Committee Agenda Supporting Documents
4/26/2011 3:00 pm -5:00 pm Thomas Memorial Library Board of Trustees Special Meeting ( councilors Invited) - Design Consideration Meeting with Casaccio Architects
4/26/2011 6:30 pm -8:30 pm Thomas Memorial Library Board of Trustees Special Meeting ( councilors Invited) - Design Consideration Meeting with Casaccio Architects
4/25/2011 7:30 pm Budget Public Hearing and Adoption Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
4/11/2011 7:30 pm Regular - Set Budget for Public Hearing and take public comment on the 2012 budget Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
4/6/2011 7:30 pm School Board, Finance Committee review of school, Community Services budgets
4/4/2011 7:30 pm Finance Committee canceled - Finance Committee Wrapup of Municipal Budget 6 p.m. (if needed) - The Finance Committee has concluded its review of the municipal portion of the 2012 budget proposal and will not need to meet. Supporting Documents
3/21/2011 8:00 am Ordinance Committee Agenda Supporting Documents
3/21/2011 7:30 pm Finance Committee - Finance Committee Review of Municipal 300 and 640-660 and Special Funds Supporting Documents
3/21/2011 7:30 pm Special Meeting - To consider RFP for food vendors at Fort Williams Park. Meeting to be held after the 7:30 p.m. Finance Committee meeting Agenda Minutes
3/16/2011 8:00 am Ordinance Committee Agenda Supporting Documents
3/16/2011 7:30 pm Finance Committee - Review of Accounts 100, 200, 400, 500, 600-635 Supporting Documents
3/14/2011 7:30 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
2/17/2011 7:00 pm Joint Workshop with Scarborough, South Portland - to discuss purchasing electricity for residential and small commercial power users in the three communities. Video
2/16/2011 7:30 am Ordinance Committee Agenda Supporting Documents
2/14/2011 7:30 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
2/7/2011 7:30 pm Workshop Canceled - Joint workshop with Scarborough, South Portland councils will be held Feb. 17, 2011 to discuss purchasing electricity for residential and small commercial power users in the three communities.
1/27/2011 6:00 pm Appointments Committee - Interviews for board openings
1/25/2011 6:00 pm Appointments Committee - Interviews for board openings
1/24/2011 6:15 pm Appointments Committee - Interviews for board openings
1/19/2011 7:30 am Ordinance Committee Agenda
1/10/2011 7:30 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
1/3/2011 7:30 pm Workshop - Meet with local state legislators; goal setting. Agenda Supporting Documents

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    PO Box 6260
    Cape Elizabeth, ME
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