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Town Council goals focus on sustainability, citizen engagement and improved facilities, infrastructure and services

The Town Council on Feb. 15, 2017 approved their goals for the year, emphasizing leadership; sustainability; an engaged citizenry; effective boards and committees; and improved facilities, infrastructure and services.

The goals were developed collaboratively over two workshops sessions, said Chair Jamie Garvin. "I know it was a little bit different than maybe we've done in the past but I think where we got to was very productive, and I'm personally very pleased with the outcome" he said.

The goals are grouped into five categories, which Councilor Patty Grennon described as "memorable and repeatable." Penny Jordan, another councilor, said that even as goals change coming years, the framework will endure.

Work on the goals is underway, with the council already having hired a new town manager, and received a report from the Alternative Energy 2016 Committee.

Here are the council's adopted goals for 2017:


Cape Elizabeth Town Council Goals

  1. Effective Leadership
  2. We will provide leadership for the community by enhancing good governance such as transparency, accountability, integrity and maintaining strong management structures.
    Potential Implementation Opportunities

    • Appoint a new town manager and ensure a successful orientation and transition, including approval of a development plan.
    • Work with the town manager in the development and implementation of services that address community needs.
    • Encourage the manager to review succession planning in all departments.
    • Ensure that any new goal or program is reviewed with business model principles.
    • Continue to examine opportunities to share services and resources with other communities.
    • Review all municipal fees and revenues sources, including potential sources to leverage grants.
    • Analyze the impact of the recent state vote to permit retail sales of non-medical marijuana.
    • Adhere to the code of ethics for the town council.

  3. Sustainable Community
  4. We are committed to a sustainable future and the implementation of policies and projects that improve the social, economic and environmental wellbeing of the community.
    Potential Implementation Opportunities

    • Commence the work of the Comprehensive Planning Committee with adequate staffing and financial resources for the work of the committee.
    • Take action on the report of the Alternative Energy Committee exploring solar options and less dependence on fossil fuels.
    • Research state and local programs to assist local homeowners considering renewable forms of energy.
    • Review funding mechanisms for land preservation and stewardship of the town’s open spaces.

  5. Engaged Citizens
  6. We will improve and expand communications with citizens and other stakeholders.
    Potential Implementation Opportunities

    • Continue and expand public forums on specific issues and topics of interest to members of the community (e.g. winter moth infestation forum, hunter/landowner information session, etc.)
    • Explore new ways to solicit public input, including but not limited to citizen surveys.
    • Develop new communications tools and better leverage existing ones to disseminate information to the public (e.g. email newsletter from town hall, social media, etc.)
    • Consider standardized response protocol for citizen inquiries/communications.

  7. Effective Boards and Committees
  8. We will work with advisory boards and committees to ensure strong focus and alignment of priorities.
    Potential Implementation Opportunities

    • Conduct an annual orientation and information session for all boards and committees.
    • Request that each board and committee present annual goals and work plans by March 31.
    • Recognize the service of the town’s volunteers.
    • Convene a meeting with the Thomas Memorial Library Committee and the Thomas Memorial Library Foundation to review cooperative initiatives and to clarify roles and expectations.
    • Convene a meeting with the Fort Williams Park Committee and the Fort Williams Charitable Foundation to review cooperative initiatives and clarify roles and expectations.

  9. Improved Infrastructure, Facilities and Services
  10. We will continue to improve and enhance municipal infrastructure, facilities and delivery of services.
    Potential Implementation Opportunities

    • Work with the Fort Williams Park Committee in reviewing the mission, vision and financial sustainability of Fort Williams Park.
    • Act on a report from the Spurwink School Reuse Committee.
    • Review with community services actions taken since receipt of the report on senior citizens.
    • Enhance the role of the senior advocate.
    • Ensure access for commercial and recreational watercraft in the Kettle Cove/Crescent Beach area.