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Goals referred to Jan. 17 Town Council workshop

Before approving their goals for 2017, the Town Council will review a draft at their next workshop.

Councilors on Jan. 9, 2017 voted to refer the goals to the workshop to be held Jan. 17 for anticipated approval in February.

Jamie Garvin, council chair, said he and newly retired Town Manager Michael McGovern were refining the draft before McGovern's last day of work in December. "My recommendation is that we hold this over to our next workshop next week to hammer it all out, and come to an agreement - then we can look to put it on the February agenda for approving and moving forward," Garvin said.

A list of 25 "potential implementation opportunities" are grouped into six goals, led by a goal to enhance the town’s livability with sound environmental stewardship and with planning for a sustainable future. Work with the Comprehensive Plan 2019 Committee is the first of five implementation opportunities listed.

Another of the goals, appointment of a new town manager, is already slated for the day after the workshop when councilors meet to approve a three-year contract with Matthew Sturgis. The goal includes an orientation, and facilitating his transition to working with departments and implementing services that address community needs.

DRAFT as of 12/12/2016

Cape Elizabeth Town Council Goals for 2017


Goal 1 - Enhance the town’s livability with sound environmental stewardship and with planning for a sustainable future

Potential Implementation Opportunities:

• Commence the work of the Comprehensive Planning Committee with adequate staffing and financial resources for the work of the committee.
• Review funding mechanisms for land preservation and for the stewardship of the town’s open spaces
• Take action on the report of the Alternative Energy Committee exploring solar options and less dependence on fossil fuels
• Research state and local programs to assist local homeowners in considering renewable forms of energy
• Ensure access for commercial and recreational watercraft In the Kettle Cove/Crescent Beach area.

Goal 2 - Improve and expand communication with citizens and other stakeholders

Potential Implementation Opportunities:

• Continue and expand public forums on specific issues and hold public forums on issues to be addressed with potential ordinance amendments
• Create a coalition of groups around environmental issues to meet quarterly and to review shared objectives
• Convene a meeting of the town council with the Thomas Memorial Library Committee and the Thomas Memorial Library Foundation to review cooperative initiatives and to clarify roles and expectations
• Convene a meeting of the town council with the Fort Williams Park Committee and the Fort Williams Charitable Foundation to review cooperative initiatives and to clarify roles and expectations.
• Seek new ways to solicit citizen views including but not limited to citizen surveys.

Goal 3 - Provide for Town Council review and action on recent priorities and pending actions

Potential Implementation Opportunities:

• Analyze the impact of the recent state vote to permit retail sales of non-medical marijuana
• Act upon a report from the Spurwink School Reuse Committee
• Review with Community Services actions taken since receipt of the report on senior citizens.
• Enhance the role of the senior advocate

Goal 4 - Appoint a new town manager

Potential Implementation Opportunities:

• Ensure that there is an orientation for the new town manager
• Work with the town manager to commit to the development and implementation of services that address community needs
• Encourage the new town manager to review succession planning in all departments

Goal 5 - Improve and enhance municipal services in a financially sustainable manner

Potential Implementation Opportunities:

• Work with the Fort Williams Park Committee reviewing the mission, vision and financial sustainability of Fort Williams Park
• Ensure that any new goal or program is reviewed with business model principles
• Ensure that vulnerable citizens are living in safe housing and have food security.
• Find ways to help all citizens better use technology
• Review all municipal fees and revenues sources and review any potential sources to leverage grants.
• Continue to examine opportunities to share services and resources with other communities

Goal 6 - Ensure that boards and committees are supported and are effective

Potential Implementation Opportunities:

• Recognize the service of the town’s volunteers
• Request each board and committee to present annual goals and work plans by March 1.