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Ribbon-cutting Aug. 3 caps off Recycling Center renovation

A ribbon-cutting ceremony will be held at 6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 3, 2017 to mark the completion of the Recycling Center renovation project.

"The town manager and myself thought it would be appropriate to have a brief ceremony to thank the Recycling Committee for everyone's combined efforts on the nearly completed upgrade project," said Public Works Director Robert Malley. The ceremony is open to the public.

The $1.4 million project was approved by voters in June 2016 and construction began in April. The project replaced the hopper with stationary recycling and trash compactors, improving safety and efficiency at the Recycling Center. The renovation concept plan was developed by the Solid Waste & Recycling Long Range Planning Committee, which met for eight months in 2015.

Officials chose to hold the ceremony on a Thursday, a day when the center is normally closed, to allow attendees to inspect the new compactors without normal traffic.

"The finish paving was completed on Wednesday and the pavement markings went down yesterday," said Malley in a statement July 28, 2017. "There are still some additional tasks for the contractor to complete, but we're fully operational at this point."