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New compactors for recyclables, household-waste disposal nearly in service

New rolloff containers for disposal of recyclables (blue in foreground) and household waste (maroon in background) are in place and should be in service by Friday, July 21. Photo courtesy Robert Malley

One of the final aspects of the Recycling Center upgrade project was to install the new stationary compactors. The units are now in place and being set up by the supplier. Following training for town staff on Wednesday, July 19, 2017, plans are to place the units in service on Friday, July 21. Town staff will be on site to assist residents and provide information.

The blue-colored compactor units will be depository for all currently-accepted single stream recyclables, including cardboard. The maroon-colored compactors will be the depository for household trash and those items which are non-recyclable.

As a reminder, ecomaine no longer accepts plastic bags into the recycling mix, so those should be discarded with regular trash. Bulky waste such as furniture, mattresses and box springs will still be deposited in roll-off cans behind the concrete barriers.

For more information please contact Public Works, 207-799-4151.