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Voters approve Recycling Center bond; OK school budget for 2016-17

Voters approved a $1.4 million referendum for improvements to the Recycling Center in the June 14, 2016 municipal election.

June 14, 2016

Recycling Center Project Referendum

Shall the Town Council vote authorizing expenditure of up to $1,400,000 for improvements and upgrades to the town's Recycling Center be approved?

YES ..... 685
NO ...... 530

(Blank ballots - 6)

At the same time, the $24.3 million school budget adopted for 2016-17 was also validated by Cape voters.

Unofficial results Tuesday night show the Recycling Center referendum approved by voters with 685 "Yes" votes and 530 voting "No". The $1.4 million bond will fund safety improvements at the Recycling Center, developed by the ad hoc Solid Waste and Recycling Long Range Planning Committee and adopted in concept by the Town Council earlier this year [news article].

The school budget [news article] was approved by 778 voters, with 430 voting "No". In an advisory ballot question, 548 voters said they believed the adopted amount was acceptable, while 500 said they thought it was too high; and 129 said they thought it too low.

An overwhelming majority, 971, of Cape voters also said they wish to continue the school budget validation for the next three years. Only 218 voters said they would not like validation to continue.

In on of two lone contested primary races, Cape Elizabeth Republicans said they favor North Yarmouth resident Ande Smith (295 votes) over Mark Holbrook (116 votes) of Brunswick in the nomination for representative to Congress in District 1. The winner will face incumbent Congresswoman Chellie Pingree in November.

Cape Elizabeth Democrats said they favor Portland resident Nadeen Daniels (244 votes) over Jessica Joseph (136 votes) of Falmouth in their party's nomination for register of probate.

Town Clerk Debra Lane estimated an unofficial turnout of approximately 13 percent of 7,800 registered voters.

Here are the unofficial results of the June 14 municipal and primary election and school budget validation:

Recycling Center Project Referendum

Shall the Town Council vote authorizing expenditure of up to $1,400,000 for improvements and upgrades to the town's Recycling Center be approved?

YES ..... 685
NO ...... 530

(Blank ballots - 6)

School Budget Validation Referendum [notice of amounts]

Do you favor approving the Town of Cape Elizabeth school budget for the upcoming school year that was adopted at the latest school budget meeting of the Town Council?

YES ..... 778
NO ...... 430

(Blank ballots - 10)

The following is a non-binding expression of opinion for the consideration of the School Board and Town Council.

I find the school budget adopted at the May 19, 2016 Town Council’s school budget meeting to be:

TOO HIGH ........... 500
ACCEPTABLE ....... 548
TOO LOW ............ 129

(Blank ballots - 41)

School Budget Validation Referendum Process

Do you wish to continue the budget validation referendum process in Cape Elizabeth for an additional three years?

YES ..... 971
NO ...... 218

(Blank ballots - 29)

State Primary (Cape Elizabeth results only)

Democratic Primary Republican Primary

Representative to Congress
District 1

  • Pingree, Chellie ..... 501
    North Haven

    (52 blank ballots)


State Senator
District 29

  • Millett, Rebecca J. ..... 509
    Cape Elizabeth

    (44 blank ballots)


Representative to the Legislature (District 30 only)

  • Monaghan, Kimberly J. ..... 492
    Cape Elizabeth

    (32 blank ballots)


Representative to the Legislature (District 32 only)

  • Hamann, Scott M. ..... 25
    South Portland

    (4 blank ballots)


Register of Probate (vote for one)

  • Daniels, Nadeen M. ..... 244
  • Joseph, Jessica L. ..... 136

    (173 blank ballots)

Representative to Congress
District 1 (vote for one)

  • Holbrook, Mark I. ..... 116
  • Smith, Ande Allen ..... 295
    North Yarmouth

    (38 blank ballots)


State Senator District 29

  • Fortin, Daniel J. ..... withdrew
    South Portland

    (449 blank ballots)


Representative to the Legislature
(District 30 only)

  • Van Syckel, George W. ..... 373
    Cape Elizabeth

    (63 blank ballots)


Representative to the Legislature
(District 32 only)

  • Misiuk, Isaac J. ..... 13
    South Portland

    (0 blank ballots)


Register of Probate

  • Hughes, James ..... 357

    (92 blank ballots)