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Superintendent finalists in sight: Next school leader may be announced end of May

The School Board's search for a superintendent might end at the end of this month.

At their May 10, 2011 meeting, board Chair Mary Townsend said the semi-finalist interviews would continue this week, with finalists selected and interviewed in coming weeks.

The semifinalists were recommended by the Superintendent Credentials Review Committee, a panel of citizens, staff and School Board members charged with reviewing applications for the job.

The board reopened its search for a replacement for Superintendent Alan Hawkins last month when it failed to find a suitable candidate. Ken Murphy, who has been serving as interim since Jan. 1, will step down June 30.

"We hope to have a final announcement by the end of May, beginning of June," Townsend said. "We are moving along, we are very pleased with the quality of candidates and hope to have someone to announce relatively quickly," she said.