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School Board names Credentials Review Committee: Group to meet with superintendent search consultant March 5

The School Board has named the members of a panel charged with reviewing the credentials of applicants for superintendent.

At their meeting Feb. 8, 2011, the board appointed 11 members to the ad hoc "Credentials Review Committee", with a one-time charge of evaluating applicant credentials and making a recommendation to the board.

The committee is scheduled to meet March 5, 2011, with Jackie Roy, the Massachusetts-based consultant hired to assist the board with the superintendent search.

The School Board is looking to hire a successor to Alan Hawkins, who retired from education after a five-year stint as Cape Elizabeth superintendent.

The members of the Credentials Review Committee are:

  • Sara Lennon [Town Council];
  • Mary Townsend and Michael Moore [School Board];
  • Dominic DePatsy and Jeff Shedd [School Administrators];
  • Dwight Ely and Lynn Spadinger [Teachers];
  • and Gail Rice, Sandra Sinclair, Loralee Schaedel and Bill Marshall [Community].

At the same time Feb. 8, the board approved an updated charge for the committee, disbanding the group after their March 5 meeting and directing Roy to submit their findings to the School Board early the following week.

The charge also requires confidentiality training for committee members, and requires them to sign a confidentiality agreement. Here is a text of the charge approved Feb. 8:

The Credentials Review Committee (CRC) will meet under the direction of the School Board and the School Board’s search consultant, Jackie Roy, on March 5 to review and provide feedback to the Board on applicants pursuant to such process and procedure as may be established by said consultant. All information acquired around the search and potential applicants shall be highly confidential in nature and all members of the CRC shall complete a confidentiality training prior to the screening work and shall be required to sign and submit a confidentiality agreement prior to commencing any work. Once the CRC completes its work on March 5, the group will be disbanded and the committee’s findings will be presented to the School Board by the consultant early the following week.

The committee is scheduled to meet from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. on March 5 in the High School library.