Town Of Cape Elizabeth
Cape Elizabeth News


Library consultants to hold interactive design session


On Tuesday March 3, 2009, from 1- 4 p.m. in the Thomas Memorial Library Community Room, the library consultant team of Himmel and Wilson, with their Casaccio Architects partners, will be holding an interactive design session, also known as a charrette, for the Cape Elizabeth community. 

A charrette is defined as an interactive and collaborative session in which people with an interest in a particular project meet in small groups with a design team to explore design concepts currently “on the table.”  Citizens may come for the entire session, or drop in as schedules allow. 

The Thomas Memorial Library Study Committee has been exploring the library’s future space needs and has been working with the consultants and architects to identify current deficiencies and to develop concepts to address both current and future needs. 

The consulting/architecture team will present concepts that are under consideration and will provide the public with an opportunity to ask questions, offer their critique of the design concepts, and make suggestions for improvements of the conceptual plans.

The charrette is planned for the day after the team presents its needs-assessment findings to the community at an open meeting at Town Hall March 2. (click here for news story)

For additional information, contact the Thomas Memorial Library Study Committee chair, Nancy H. Marshall

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