Town Of Cape Elizabeth
Cape Elizabeth News

02/10/09 (updated 03/02/09)

Consultant to present overview of library needs assessment, answer questions at Town Hall meeting March 2

Update: The open meeting will go on as scheduled. The snow storm of March 2  is expected to wind down in the afternoon.


The Thomas Memorial Library Study Committee will hold an open meeting for the Cape Elizabeth community at 7 p.m. on Monday March 2, at Town Hall.

The consultant team of Himmel & Wilson, which has been working with the Study Committee for the past eight months to conduct a needs assessment and design concept for a library improvement program, will present an overview of their findings and introducing several preliminary scenarios for the future of the Thomas Memorial Library.

During the needs-assessment phase, which began in August 2008 and was recently completed, more than 1,000 citizens participated in focus groups conducted by the consultants, answered a Web survey on the library’s website, and responded to a telephone survey conducted by Critical Insights, Inc.

The Study Committee encourages the public to take advantage of this additional opportunity to both learn about the progress of the library study and to ask questions or make comments.

Relevant documents for the Phase I Needs Assessment Report are available here::

If unable to attend in person, the open meeting will be broadcast live on CETV, Cape Elizabeth's public-access cable Channel 3. Replays are scheduled for 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. on March 3 and 4.

For additional information or questions please contact Thomas Memorial Library Study Committee Chair Nancy H. Marshall,

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