Town Of Cape Elizabeth
Cape Elizabeth News


Common themes emerging as schools work to update Future Direction Plan

More personalized learning plans, flexible calendars, and greater integration of the community into educational system were among common themes to emerge from initial planning meetings held by the School Board as the district works to update its five-year Future Direction Plan.

The board held a meeting Nov. 20 for faculty members, and a workshop Nov. 28 for community members, as part of the district's strategic planning process.

In an update issued by the School Board, Strategic Planning Committee Chairman Trish Brigham said the new plan will span two years rather than five. "This is in response to the rapid pace of change in the education environment today, and the belief that a shorter time horizon will allow for more manageable and measurable results," the update says.

"While the data from the initial two meetings is still being compiled, several common themes emerged from the conversations which took place. Among these, was a desire for more personalized learning plans which would best suit a student’s strengths and support their weaknesses; a school calendar which would provide flexibility for alternative/expeditionary educational programming options for students and varied professional development opportunities for teachers; greater integration of the entire community into the educational system; and a climate which promoted physical/emotional and academic health of students and staff."

The planning process will continue next month, when representatives of the school and community will meet to continue discussions around the district's mission and vision statements.

The meeting is scheduled for 8 a.m. on Friday, Jan. 26, a scheduled staff-development day. The School Board has invited representatives from nearly every walk of Cape Elizabeth life, including town government, public safety, the business community, the senior community, and pre-schools. "We tried to make the process inclusive" Brigham said in a telephone interview. The facilitated small-group discussions will continue the work of the first two meetings, formulating the priorities of the educational system for the next two years.

"Based on the results of this session, a review and revamping of the mission and vision statements, may be warranted," according to Brigham.

The school's mission, formalized in the 2001 Future Direction Plan, is to "Ensure that all our students develop the knowledge, skills, behaviors and attitudes to become successful individuals and citizens." Brigham said she does not foresee the mission statement changing as a result of the current work on the Future Direction Plan, but that the vision may be revised because the goals that have supported the vision have changed.

The vision, also developed in 2001, is that "Cape Elizabeth Public Schools have become one of the top public school systems in the United States by creating a dynamic organization that inspires an upbeat, innovative and collaborative environment that results in a high level of learning and achievement for all."

The Strategic Planning Committee encourages anyone with questions or comments on the Future Directions Plan to contact Alan Hawkins, superintendent, 799-2217; or any member of the School Board.

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