Town Of Cape Elizabeth
Cape Elizabeth News

School Board asks community's help envisioning the future of Cape schools

The School board will hold a workshop Nov. 28 to get the community's thoughts and ideas on the mission, vision and goals that are guiding Cape Elizabeth schools as part of their Future Direction plan.

Nearly six years ago, Cape Elizabeth began its most recent long range planning process for the schools. The community came together through forums and workshops to explore the school system's strengths and weaknesses, educational beliefs, and social and economic trends. Utilizing that work, the district's vision, mission, beliefs and goals were encapsulated in the Future Direction Plan. This can be found on the school website: (Adobe's Acrobat Reader is required )

This district now is poised to reexamine and recommit to the strategic plan, mission and vision for the schools and is holding a workshop on Nov. 28 to get the community's thoughts and ideas on the mission, vision and goals.

Citizen input is essential for the development of the long term plan as it will serve as the cornerstone for decision-making in Cape Elizabeth schools for the next several years.

The workshop will be held on in the High School library from 7-9 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 28.