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Planning Board Meeting Materials

Date Time Type Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
12/16/2014 7:00 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
12/2/2014 7:00 pm Workshop Agenda Supporting Documents
12/1/2014 9:00 am Site Walk - The Planning Board will hold a site walk on Monday, Dec. 1, beginning at 9 a.m. to review the Rams Head Boardwalk Resource Protection Permit. The Planning Board will meet at the end of Charles E. Jordan Road in front of the big barn. Please see attached map
11/18/2014 7:00 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
11/5/2014 7:00 pm Workshop - Rescheduled to Nov. 5 to avoid conflict with Election Day Agenda Supporting Documents
11/5/2014 8:00 pm Special Meeting - The Planning Board will hold a workshop on Wednesday, Nov. 5 (moved from its regular Tuesday night due to the election). At 8 p.m., the board will hold a special meeting to discuss research related to the Rudy's site plan. Following the special meeting and dependent on the lateness of the evening, the board may resume the workshop. Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
10/29/2014 7:30 am Site Walk
10/21/2014 7:00 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
10/7/2014 7:00 pm Workshop Agenda Supporting Documents
9/16/2014 7:00 pm Workshop - In lieu of the regularly schedule meeting, the Planning Board will hold a workshop to continue its work on the land-use zoning ordinance amendments package. Agenda Supporting Documents
9/16/2014 7:00 pm Canceled - due to lack of applications submitted, the Planning Board will instead hold a workshop to continue its work on the land-use zoning ordinance amendments package. None yet available
9/2/2014 7:00 pm Workshop Agenda Supporting Documents
8/19/2014 7:00 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
8/5/2014 7:00 pm Workshop Agenda Supporting Documents
7/23/2014 7:30 am Site Walk - The Planning Board will hold a site walk as part of the review of an application from Suzanne Gabriel for a resource-protection permit to extend Cardinal Lane
7/15/2014 7:00 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
6/25/2014 7:30 am Site Walk - The Planning Board will hold a site walk on the site plan for proposed renovation and new construction for the Thomas Memorial Library.
6/17/2014 7:00 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
6/3/2014 7:00 pm Workshop Agenda Supporting Documents
5/22/2014 7:00 pm Regular - Rescheduled from May 20. The submission deadline for the meeting remains May 2. Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
5/6/2014 7:00 pm Special Meeting and Workshop - The Planning Board will hold a special meeting in the Town Hall chamber. [Special Meeting Agenda ] Immediately following the special meeting, the board will hold its monthly workshop in the Jordan Conference Room. [Workshop Agenda ] Minutes Supporting Documents
4/28/2014 7:30 am Site Walk - Harvest Lane Private Road amendment.

Planning Board site walks are conducted as follows:

  1. Members of the public are welcome to attend site walks.
  2. The Planning Board Chair runs the site walk.
  3. At the beginning of the site walk, Planning Board members should identify any specific areas that the want to see as part of the site walk. The applicant is responsible for guiding participants on the site. Planning Board members shall stay together during site walks. Members of the public shall also remain with the Planning Board when site walks are conducted on private property.
  4. Site walk attendees may only ask questions with the permission of the Planning Board Chair. Questions should be directly related to the physical characteristics of the site or the location of the proposed project. No substantive comments in support or opposition of the proposed project should be made at the site walk. Substantive comments should be saved for regular meetings of the Planning Board where a public record of comments will be prepared.
4/18/2014 8:00 am Site Walk - Jordan Subdivision amendments.

Planning Board site walks are conducted as follows:

  1. Members of the public are welcome to attend site walks.
  2. The Planning Board Chair runs the site walk.
  3. At the beginning of the site walk, Planning Board members should identify any specific areas that the want to see as part of the site walk. The applicant is responsible for guiding participants on the site. Planning Board members shall stay together during site walks. Members of the public shall also remain with the Planning Board when site walks are conducted on private property.
  4. Site walk attendees may only ask questions with the permission of the Planning Board Chair. Questions should be directly related to the physical characteristics of the site or the location of the proposed project. No substantive comments in support or opposition of the proposed project should be made at the site walk. Substantive comments should be saved for regular meetings of the Planning Board where a public record of comments will be prepared.
4/15/2014 7:00 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
4/1/2014 7:00 pm Workshop - Revised agenda 04/01/2014 Agenda Supporting Documents
3/18/2014 7:00 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
3/4/2014 7:00 pm Workshop - Agenda revised 03/03/2014 Agenda
2/24/2014 7:00 pm Regular - Rescheduled due to school vacation Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
2/4/2014 7:00 pm Workshop Agenda Supporting Documents
1/21/2014 7:00 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
1/7/2014 7:00 pm Workshop Agenda Supporting Documents

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  • E-mail Planning Board          
    Staff Contact: Maureen O’Meara, Town Planner
  • Mailing Address:
    P.O. Box 6260
    Cape Elizabeth, ME
  • Note: E-mails and letters sent to local officials are almost always public records. Limited exceptions may be found in the Maine statutes. The local media and other interested parties have from time to time asked for copies of e-mails and mailed correspondence. In sending an e-mail to any elected or appointed town official or school official, citizens should have no expectation of privacy.
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