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Five to vie for three Town Council seats in Nov. 6 municipal election

Five candidates will be seeking three seats on the Town Council in the Nov. 6, 2018 municipal election.

John C. Voltz, Jeremy A. Gabrielson, Valerie J. Deveraux, James M. "Jamie" Garvin and James C. Tasse completed nomination papers at Town Hall before the Sept. 7 deadline and will appear on the ballot.

Three seats on the School Board are also up for election. Candidates Elizabeth Scifres, Heather Altenburg and Laura DeNino had petitions verified and will appear on the ballot for School Board.

Town Council incumbents Sara Lennon and Jessica Sullivan; and School Board incumbent John C. Voltz, did not seek renomination.

Polls will be open from 7 a.m.-8 p.m. at Cape Elizabeth High School on Election Day, Nov. 6.

Applications for absentee ballots are now available [More information]. Absentee voting will take place approximately 30 days before the election until 4 p.m Thursday, Nov. 1.

Nominating petition status as of the 4 p.m. deadline Sept. 7, 2018:

  Address Date taken Date verified
Town Council      
* John C. Voltz 33 Philip Road 08/21/2018 09/07/2018
* Jeremy A. Gabrielson 5 Rocky Knoll Road 08/24/2018 09/07/2018
* Valerie J. Deveraux 587 Shore Road 08/24/2018 09/07/2018
* James M. "Jamie" Garvin 76 Oakhurst Road 08/27/2018 09/04/2018
* James C. Tasse 30 Cliff Avenue 08/31/2018 09/07/2018
Aaron W. Mosher 6 Leighton Farm Road 08/31/2018  
School Board      
Valerie J. Deveraux 587 Shore Road 08/21/2018  
* Elizabeth Scifres 22 Longfellow Drive 08/27/2018 09/07/2018
* Heather W. Altenburg 31 Olde Colony Lane 08/31/2018 09/06/2018
* Laura E. DeNino 7 Steeplebush Road 09/07/2018 09/07/2018

* Petition signatures verified, name will appear on Nov. 6 ballot