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10/09/2018 - updated 10/10/2018

Absentee voting for Nov. 6 general, referendum, municipal election through Nov. 1

Absentee ballots are available for the Nov. 6, 2018 state referendum and municipal election. [Sample ballots] [Go to online absentee ballot application form]

State Referendum, Municipal Election
Polls open
7 a.m.-8 p.m. Nov. 6, 2018
Cape Elizabeth High School (directions)

'Any reason' absentee voting at Town Hall (directions)
7:30-5 p.m. Mondays
7:30-4 p.m. Tuesdays-Fridays
Tuesday, Oct. 9 until 4 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 1

*** Please arrive at least 15 minutes before closing
(4:45 pm Mondays; 3:45 pm Tuesday-Friday) ***

Town Clerk Debra Lane, 207-799-7665.

"Any reason" absentee ballots are available at Town Hall during business hours Tuesday, Oct. 9 until 4 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 1, 2018. Registered voters may vote absentee for any reason during this time.

For absentee voting and for voter registration please arrive at least 15 minutes before closing (4:45 pm Mondays, 3:45 pm Tuesdays-Fridays).

Requests for absentee ballots to be mailed or delivered must also be received by the town clerk's office by 4 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 1.

Voter registration

Residents may register to vote at the town clerk's office prior to Election Day, or at the polls on Election Day. Proof of residency and proof of identity is required.

Polls will be open on Election Day at Cape Elizabeth High School from 7 a.m.-8 p.m. All election activity will take place at the polls on Election Day.

Any questions should be directed to Town Clerk Debra Lane, 207-799-7665.

For more information about voting absentee, please see our Elections & Voting services section

Candidates Night

Cape Elizabeth High School government students will host a candidates night for Town Council and School Board candidates at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 17; and for State House and Senate candidates at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 24. The forums will be broadcast live over CETV Channel 3, and rebroadcast several times for Election Day. See program guide for schedule.

State General Election Ballot:

United States Senator (Rank)
  • Brakey, Eric L., Auburn - (Republican)
  • King, Angus S., Jr., Brunswick - (Independent)
  • Ringelstein, Zak, Yarmouth - (Democratic)
  • Write-in
Representative to Congress District 1 (Rank)
  • Grohman, Martin J., Biddeford - (Independent)
  • Holbrook, Mark I., Brunswick - (Republican)
  • Pingree, Chellie, North Haven - (Democratic)
  • Write-in
Governor (Vote for 1)
  • Caron, Alan, Freeport - (Independent)
  • Hayes, Teresea M., Buckfield - (Independent)
  • Mills, Janet T., Farmington - (Democratic)
  • Moody, Shawn H., Gorham - (Republican)
  • Write-in
State Senator, District 29 (Vote for 1)
  • Millett, Rebecca J., Cape Elizabeth - (Democratic)
  • Van Syckel, George Willard, South Portland - (Republican)
  • Write-in
Representative to the Legislature, District 30 (Vote for 1)
  • Carney, Anne M., Cape Elizabeth - (Democratic)
  • Rich, Charles Peter, Cape Elizabeth - (Republican)
  • Write-in
Representative to the Legislature, District 32 (Vote for 1)
  • Kessler, Christopher J., South Portland - (Democratic)
  • Walter, Tammy B., Cape Elizabeth - (Republican)
  • Write-in
Judge of Probate Cumberland County (Vote for 1)
  • Aranson, Paul, Scarborough - (Democratic)
  • Write-in
Sheriff Cumberland County (Vote for 1)
  • Joyce, Kevin Jay, Standish - (Democratic)
  • Write-in
District Attorney District 2 (Vote for 1)
  • Bates, Randall J., Yarmouth - (Republican)
  • Gale, John C., Portland (Democratic)
  • Sahrbeck, Jonathan T., Cape Elizabeth (Independent)
  • Write-in
County Commissioner Cumberland District 4 (Vote for 1)
  • Coward, Thomas S., South Portland - (Democratic)
  • Holmes, William, Westbrook - (Independent)
  • Write-in

Questions that will appear on the November 6, 2018 referendum ballot: (in the order they will appear on the ballot):

Questions Appearing on November 6, 2018 Ballot

Question 1: Citizen Initiative
Do you want to create the Universal Home Care Program to provide home-based assistance to people with disabilities and senior citizens, regardless of income, funded by a new 3.8% tax on individuals and families with Maine wage and adjusted gross income above the amount subject to Social Security taxes, which is $128,400 in 2018?

Question 2:  Bond Issue
Public Law 425
Do you favor a $30,000,000 bond issue to improve water quality, support the planning and construction of wastewater treatment facilities and assist homeowners whose homes are served by substandard or malfunctioning wastewater treatment systems?

Question 3:  Bond Issue
Public Law 467
Do you favor a $106,000,000 bond issue, including $101,000,000 for construction, reconstruction and rehabilitation of highways and bridges and for facilities and equipment related to ports, piers, harbors, marine transportation, freight and passenger railroads, aviation, transit and bicycle and pedestrian trails, to be used to match an estimated $137,000,000 in federal and other funds, and $5,000,000 for the upgrade of municipal culverts at stream crossings?

Question 4: Bond Issue
Public Law 465, Part A
Do you favor a $49,000,000 bond issue to be matched by at least $49,000,000 in private and public funds to modernize and improve the facilities and infrastructure of Maine's public universities in order to expand workforce development capacity and to attract and retain students to strengthen Maine's economy and future workforce?

Question 5: Bond Issue
Public Law 465, Part B
Do you favor a $15,000,000 bond issue to improve educational programs by upgrading facilities at all 7 of Maine's community colleges in order to provide Maine people with access to high-skill, low-cost technical and career education?



Municipal Ballot

For three year term until December 13, 2021
Vote for up to THREE (3)






............. Write-in

............. Write-in

For three year term until December 13, 2021
Vote for up to THREE (3)




............. Write-in

............. Write-in

Municipal Referendum

Do you favor a plan for the Cape Elizabeth School Department to join the Greater Sebago Education Alliance Regional Service Center through an interlocal agreement that will allow the School Department to receive additional revenue through the state funding formula and to more efficiently procure goods and services?

Yes _____

No ______

Additional Information on the Municipal Referendum:  

On August 13th, the Town Council voted unanimously to include the current Municipal Referendum on the November 6th ballot, pending School Board approval.  On August 28th, the School Board voted unanimously to approve participating in an inter-local agreement with the Greater Sebago Education Alliance Regional Service Center.  Per state Statutory Section 3805(3) of Title 20-A, voter approval is required in order to confirm the joining of an inter-local alliance.

The Municipal Referendum, if approved by voters, positions Cape Elizabeth Schools to join the Greater Sebago Education Alliance  which seeks to avail the state's Regional Service Initiative.  This new state incentive offers additional state funding for school districts who work together to improve efficiencies and leverage purchasing power by working collaboratively. If the approved, the Municipal Referendum would secure an additional  $22,121.40 in state subsidies for FY19 for Cape Elizabeth schools.  In the following year, the state has promised  an additional increased subsidy estimated for Cape Elizabeth to be $46,000.