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Town Council goals for 2016 incorporate citizen input

The Town Council on Jan. 4, 2016 adopted a list of 44 goals for the year, organized into five categories: Ordinances and Policies, Communications and Outreach, Budget and Finance, Sustainability, and Facilities and Property.

Each has a council member taking leadership for the goal, a staff leader and a projected date for a report to the council. [download spreadsheet]

Prior to adopting the goals, Town Council Chair Molly MacAuslan thanked fellow councilors, and the public, for their input on formulating the goals. Public input was a focus on the goal-setting process this year, including a public forum and a citizen survey.

Here are the council's goals for 2016:

Ordinances and Policies

  • Develop a plan to update the Town’s Comprehensive Plan
  • Take action on recommendations of the Senior Citizens Advisory Committee
  • Review with the Cape Elizabeth School Board the Community Services Program and its oversight.
  • Review the boards and commissions ordinance reviewing the terms of reference for all committees
  • Consider a plan for 100% cell coverage for the community.
  • Review all policies relating to archery hunting in the community.
  • Update the sign ordinance.
  • Update the Harbors Report originally prepared in the late 1980s.
  • Receive a report on the firing range permit for the Spurwink Rod and Gun Club
  • Review obstacles that detract from businesses locating in the town center zone.

Communications and Outreach

  • Conduct a citizen survey that benchmarks responses from other communities with Cape Elizabeth’s responses.
  • Provide regular updates to citizens via email.
  • Continue and expand citizen roundtables to gather citizen input and to encourage a dialogue as part of these roundtables.
  • Enhance communication with the school board with a meeting early in 2016.
  • Clarify roles and responsibilities for council review of the school budget.
  • Collaborate with local organizations seeking to enhance community livability including the CELT. CEEF,
  • Fort Wms, Park Foundation, TML Foundation and Cape Farm Alliance
  • Update the website for Portland Head Light.
  • Engage with the State of Maine on issues relating to the state parks.
  • Address the Ralph Gould Award early in 2016
  • Enhance board training and board goal setting

Budget and Finance

  • Utilize a business model to review goals including looking at their costs, direct and indirect and how costs will be paid for.
  • Provide a hold harmless provision in the adopted annual budget if the state sch.subsidy should fall short of the budgeted amt.
  • Review opportunities to provide additional revenue at Fort Williams Park.
  • Review revenues from sources other than the property tax.
  • Seek opportunities for personnel sharing with neighboring communities.


  • Receive a report showing missing links in the cross town greenbelt trail and detailing other significant links to neighborhoods.
  • Review all uses of the greenbelt trail.
  • Consider allowing horses to use the greenbelt trails at all times.
  • Resolve in 2016 which paper streets shall be extended for an additional 20 years.
  • Consider banning the use of all pesticides on town owned property.
  • Review renewable energy options including solar energy with a committee of interested citizens.
  • Receive information on the use of aquaculture in our coastal waters.
  • Consider banning all single use plastic bags in retail establishments.

Facilities and Property

  • Improve the pedestrian experience in the town center looking at speed limits, lighting and crosswalks.
  • Develop a plan to improve pedestrian access on Scott Dyer Road and to Fowler Road.
  • Develop a plan to beautify the town center including plantings, banners and other low cost initiatives.
  • Approve a plan for reuse of the former library building.
  • Review obstacles that detract from businesses locating in the town center zone.
  • Develop a plan for the improvement of Hill Way.
  • Approve a plan to improve humidity control and update the chlorination system at the Donald Richards Pool.
  • Review and approve a conceptual plan for the bleacher area of Fort Williams Park.
  • Schedule a citizen vote on the report of the Solid Waste and Recycling Long Range Planning Committee.