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Finance Committee workshop on school budget proposal set for live broadcast on CETV

The Town Council Finance Committee's workshop on the proposed school budget for 2017-18, scheduled for 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 25, 2017, will be broadcast live over CETV, Cape Elizabeth Channel 3.

Workshops are not typically broadcast, but Jessica Sullivan, who heads the finance committee, suggested television coverage. "It's been a discussion in the past and when you think of it, this is probably by magnitude the most important financial meeting or workshop that we undertake on an annual basis," Sullivan said at the April 10 council meeting.

The School Board is recommending a $24.9 million budget for 2017-18, with a tax-rate increase of 4.4 percent for school services. The council is looking at an additional 2.6 percent increase in taxes for town services.

Replays of the workshop are scheduled for April 26, 27 and 29 on CETV, and will be available for view on this website.

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