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Cape Elizabeth Town Council Agenda
Monday, April 10, 2017
7:00 p.m.
Cape Elizabeth Town Hall

James M. "Jamie" Garvin, Chairman
Patricia K. Grennon
Caitlin R. Jordan
Penelope A. Jordan
Sara W. Lennon
Katharine N. Ray
Jessica L. Sullivan

00:02 Convening by Town Councilor Chairman James M. "Jamie" Garvin
00:07 Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
00:30 Roll Call by the Town Clerk
00:43 Dedication of the Council Chambers to Michael K. McGovern
02:48 Presentation of the Ralph T. Gould Award
04:49 Town Council Reports and Correspondence
08:07 Finance Committee Report
Dashboard and Financial Reports as of 3/31/2017
14:10 Citizen Opportunity for Discussion of Items Not on the Agenda
14:22 Town Managers Monthly Report
19:03 Review of Draft Minutes of March 13, 2017
19:22 Item #60-2017 Opportunity for Public Comments on the Fiscal Year 2018 Budget
In an effort to provide public input on the budget throughout the process, citizens are welcome to provide comments to the town council. Two workshops on the municipal budget have already been held. A presentation from the school board on the school budget will be held on April 25. A workshop will be held on April 26, if needed. The budget public hearing will be held on May 8 and the vote on the municipal budget and the amount on the school budget to send to voters will be held on May 15.
19:54 Item # 61-2017 Inn By The Sea Licenses
It is recommended to approve the renewal malt, spirituous, and vinous liquor licenses and special amusement permit for Inn By The Sea located at 40 Bowery Beach Road.
Public Hearing The Well, LLC Qualified Catering Application
21:11 Item #62-2017 The Well, LLC Qualified Catering Application
The Well, LLC/Jason Williams is seeking approval for a qualified catering application for The Well at Jordans Farm, 21 Wells Road. This is a new application and required for catering with liquor on and off-premise. The public hearing has been advertised, as required by state law, in the Press Herald 3 consecutive days. It is recommended the application be approved.
24:28 Item #63-2017 Town Council Resolve on Welcoming all People
Cape Diversity Coalition has provided a resolution for consideration.
50:22 Item #64-2017 Recommendation - Comprehensive Plan Committee Vacancy
The appointments committee is recommending Kevin Guimond, 170 Ocean House Road to serve the term vacated by Stephen Rees on the Comprehensive Plan Committee effective immediately.
51:51 Item #65-2017 Amendment to the Charge of the Harbors Committee
The town manager has recommended the charge for the harbors committee be amended to include the committee assisting with writing the marine resources section of the comprehensive plan.
01:03:23 Item #66-2017 Request for Extension Paper Street Technical Study Extension
The conservation committee is requesting an extension to complete the paper street technical study of Surfside Avenue (U12-15), Atlantic Place (U12-8) and Lighthouse Point Road (U15-1) by June 30, 2017.
01:08:03 Item #67-2017 Commercial Lease Agreement - Building 326 Fort Williams Park
It is recommended to approve the proposed lease agreement for Building 326 in Fort Williams Park with Behavioral Health Resources for a three-year term commencing June 1, 2017 and ending May 31, 2020 with the option for a two-year renewal.
01:10:20 Item #68-2017 Authorization for Culvert Assessment Grant
The town council is requested to authorize an application for a Coastal Zone Management Grant to perform a culvert assessment. The grant application is due April 28, 2017.
01:12:22 Item #69-2017 Accessory Structures Amendment
It is recommended no action be taken on accessory structures following the ordinance committee 3-0 recommendation of accepting the planning board recommendation to take no action related to the use of accessory structures for overnight accommodations.
01:13:44 Item-70-2017 Recycling Committee Goals
The recycling committee has presented its goals for 2017. It is recommended the town council acknowledge receipt of the goals with thanks to the committee.
01:21:00 Item #71-2017 Municipal Election Warrant June 13, 2017
It is recommended the warrant for the June 13, 2017 school budget validation referendum and Portland Water District Trustee elections be approved as presented.
01:22:40 Citizens may at this point in the meeting raise any topic that is not on the agenda that pertains to Cape Elizabeth local government.
01:23:10 Adjournment