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Town eyes Oakhurst Road area land purchase to improve access to open space

The town is considering purchasing this 0.89-acre lot, outlined in yellow, near the Loveitt Woods open space for $75,000, to improve access to town and Cape Elizabeth Land Trust open spaces

The town is considering purchase of an "L"-shaped parcel that will improve access from the Oakhurst Road neighborhoods to more than 250 acres of open space behind Stonegate and extending to Robinson Woods.

The Conservation Commission and Town Council will review possible acquisition of the 0.89-acre lot owned by Karen Willens, behind a single-family home she owns at 8 Rock Wall Lane. The property already has a casual trail running through it, connecting to the town's Loveitt Woods open space. The open space abuts other town-owned properties extending to Robinson Woods, which is owned by the Cape Elizabeth Land Trust.

"This has been an area where we have worked cooperatively with the Cape Elizabeth Land Trust and other parties in seeking improved access," Town Manager Michael McGovern said in an email to the Town Council on April 25, 2016.

The property owner has agreed to sell the lot to the town of Cape Elizabeth for $75,000, McGovern said. The funds would come the town’s land-acquisition fund, which has a current balance of $144,384.

The Conservation Commission will review the proposed purchase at their meeting May 4, 2016 and the Town Council will review the proposal at their meeting May 9. Both meetings begin at 7 p.m. at Town Hall.