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School Board chooses Maine School Management Association as consultant for superintendent search

The School Board has chosen the Maine School Management Association as consultant for its superintendent search.

At a workshop Jan. 26, 2016, the full board accepted a subcommittee's recommendation to use the MSMA's consulting services, based on its experience, flexibility, strong administrative process and recruiting abilities, School Board Chair Elizabeth Scifres said in a letter to the community Feb. 4. Scifres called the MSMA a "clear match for Cape Elizabeth."

Working with the consultant, Dr. Cornelia Brown, the School Board anticipates hiring a new superintendent by early May, Scifres said. The recruitment plan includes a survey of school staff, parents, and community members asking them to rank the importance of leadership characteristics and qualities desired of a superintendent. "The board will use this input, along with the survey data received from students, parents, teachers, and administrators over the last two years, to inform this very important selection process," Scifres said.

"The board also intends to form an Advisory Screening Committee made up of board members, administrators, teachers, parents, and community members to screen candidate applications and make recommendations to the board," she said.

Plans are to advertise for the superintendent's position the week of Feb. 8, with applications being accepted through mid-March, followed by candidate interviews in March and April. "The board hopes to hire our next superintendent by early May," Scifres said.

The board is looking to replace current Superintendent Meredith Nadeau, who has accepted a new position as superintendent in Newmarket, N.H.

Members of the Town Council have also been invited to meet with the consultant at Town Hall at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 25.