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Town Council goals for 2015 focus on infrastructure

Six targets focusing on municipal infrastructure top the Town Council's list of goals for 2015. The council approved their annual list of goals at their meeting Jan. 12, 2015.

As in recent years, the Thomas Memorial library is leading the council's goals for the coming year. Regular monitoring of the library renovation, approved by voters in November, leads the infrastructure category of Town Council goals for 2015.

Other categories embrace policy review, citizen engagement, and miscellaneous projects.

Rounding out the list of infrastructure goals, the first category presented on the council's list of goals, is a comprehensive study of the use patterns and aging of the Recycling Center; long term use of the former Spurwink School after its use as a temporary library; improvements to the intersection at the Spurwink Church as well as other town-center pedestrian improvements, and input on the future of the Goddard Mansion.

A review of the origins and future of Community Services leads the policy and ordinance category of the list of goals. The goal would be undertaken with the School Board. Other reviews targeted by the council involve access to Crescent Beach and Kettle Cove; the process for appointments to town board and commissions; overall review of town ordinances; speed limit and other unresolved issues of the Town Center Planning Committee; remaining recommendations of the Library Planning Committee; and, policies dealing with poor cell-phone coverage in Cape Elizabeth.

The citizen engagement category is topped by a goal to establish a volunteer mediation program to help settle neighborhood disputes; a review of note-taking practices for boards and commissions; establishing a formal mechanism for citizens to contribute to the council's goal-setting process; and, an action plan for orientation of board and commission members.

Under miscellaneous goals, the council plans to develop actions to implement the recommendations of the Recycling Committee; and continue work on enhancing best practices between the town manager, Town Council and staff.

The last goal, listed under the miscellaneous category, continues an overarching goal of the last several years, to "further enhance budget documents and processes in order to identify appropriate service levels and to minimize tax increases."