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Future of library services top among Town Council goals for 2013

The future of library services in Cape Elizabeth is a top goal for the Town Council for 2013.

Councilors approved their list of goals and work plan for the coming year at their meeting Jan. 7, 2013.

The 18-point work plan builds upon goals accomplished in recent years, including the 2012 goal to hold a citizen vote on a new Thomas Memorial Library. "The Thomas Memorial Library was the subject of a citizen vote in November 2012 which did not approve $6.0 million for a renovation and expansion of the current facility," reads the first bullet point of the council's 2013 work plan. "Most citizens who commented on the library plan indicated that some work is needed but there was insufficient support for the plan that was brought forward. In 2013, the Town Council will develop a process and a plan to determine the future of library services for the community."

The second goal in the council's list builds on a not-so-recent Town Council action - the 1993 plan for the Town Center. "2013 marks the 20th anniversary of adoption of the plan" the work plan reads. "The Town Council will appoint a committee to develop a new town center plan utilizing the current plan as a resource," it says.

The Shore Road Pathway, Fort Williams Master Plan and Future Open Space Preservation report are all goals completed in 2012 that will see further council consideration and support in 2013.

One councilor, David Sherman, reminded fellow councilors that the goals are flexible. "Things can change over the course of the year, sometimes the council might go in a different direction. But, I think these are a good set of goals to start the year out and I look forward to working on all of them, especially the library," Sherman said. He made his comment following remarks by Thomas Memorial Library Trustee Molly MacAuslan, who thanked councilors for including the library in its list of goals.

Another bullet point, to encourage effective citizen participation in local government, has been a council aim for the last few years and includes eight strategies for further pursuing that goal in 2013:

  1. Approve new procedures for notification of the issuance of building permits.
  2. Review the roles and responsibilities of volunteers on local boards and commissions.
  3. Provide a workshop for training of board chairs on running effective meetings.
  4. Strategically review all opportunities to provide effective open communication between citizens and the Town government, recognizing that the Town’s communication efforts have not kept up with evolving communication practices.
  5. Ensure that items on the Town Council agenda relate to policy issues or governance matters needing to be before the council.
  6. Review a proposed renovation of the Town Hall chamber and conference rooms to improve acoustics and space utilization.
  7. Reach out to the business community recognizing the important services they are providing to local citizens.
  8. Invite known interested parties to provide early input on policy issues.

Here is the text of the council's 2013 approved goals and work plan:

Cape Elizabeth Town Council
Workplan/Goals for 2013

The Cape Elizabeth Town Council hereby agrees to address the following opportunities in 2013:

  • The Thomas Memorial Library was the subject of a citizen vote in November 2012 which did not approve $6.0 million for a renovation and expansion of the current facility. Most citizens who commented on the library plan indicated that some work is needed but there was insufficient support for the plan that was brought forward. In 2013, the Town Council will develop a process and a plan to determine the future of library services for the community.
  • The Cape Elizabeth Town Center Plan was adopted in August 1993 and related zoning was approved in 1995. 2013 marks the 20th anniversary of adoption of the plan. The Town Council will appoint a committee to develop a new town center plan utilizing the current plan as a resource.
  • The Town of Cape Elizabeth has over $36 million dollars in capital assets whose replacement value would exceed $100 million. The Town Council will work with the school board to develop a 10 year capital stewardship plan.
  • The Shore Road Pathway was completed in 2012 extending from the town center to the former main gate of Fort Williams Park. In 2013, the Town Council will develop and implement a plan to include pathways/sidewalks for all of Shore Road extending from the old main gate of Fort Williams Park to Preble Street.
  • In May 2012, the Town Council adopted a new master plan for Fort Williams Park. The Town Council will continue to support implementation of the master plan and of the Arboretum at Fort Williams Park.
  • The town government including all related entities spends approximately $38 million each year. The finance committee chair will provide regular updates at the monthly Town Council meeting on issues influencing local spending and revenues.
  • The Town Council continues to encourage effective citizen participation in local government. To further enhance participation, the Town Council will:
    • Approve new procedures for notification of the issuance of building permits.
    • Review the roles and responsibilities of volunteers on local boards and commissions.
    • Provide a workshop for training of board chairs on running effective meetings.
    • Strategically review all opportunities to provide effective open communication between citizens and the town government recognizing that the town’s communication efforts have not kept up with evolving communication practices.
    • Ensure that items on the Town Council agenda relate to policy issues or governance matters needing to be before the council.
    • Review a proposed renovation of the council chamber and conference rooms to improve acoustics and space utilization.
    • Reach out to the business community recognizing the important services they are providing to local citizens.
    • Invite known interested parties to provide early input on policy issues.
  • The Town Council in 2013 will act upon the report o f the Future Open Space Preservation Committee
  • The Town Council in collaboration with the school board will review the report of the Facility Space Use Working Group.
  • Review operations at the recycling center to ensure that it is meeting the needs of Cape Elizabeth residents and that non-residents do not utilize the services.
  • Review a report to be prepared on opportunities to provide street lighting through solar energy.
  • Seek to facilitate a resolution of the negotiations between the Sprague Corporation and the State of Maine regarding Crescent Beach State Park.
  • Review property tax relief programs that could be made available to citizens.
  • Meet with local legislators on issues of concern relating to state legislation and policies.
  • Continue to review opportunities to expand the use of composting for food waste.
  • Work with the town manager to make citizens better aware of the services provided by each municipal department.
  • Continue to collaborate with the school board on issues of mutual concern.
  • Continue to work with all community groups who seek to make Cape Elizabeth a great place to live.