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Construction manager chosen for library building project

The Library Building Committee has selected Zachau Construction of Freeport as construction manager for the Thomas Memorial Library building project.

Town officials are finalizing a contract with Zachau to work with the committee and with architects Reed & Co. on a library design to be presented to voters in November.

"The good thing is when citizens vote in November, they will know exactly what they're getting and what the cost is," said Town Manager Michael McGovern in a telephone interview.

As "at-risk" construction manager, Zachau will gather bids from subcontractors and present a final cost for the specified work, looking for savings along the way. The company risks absorbing the cost if it comes in higher than expected, McGovern said.

Zachau's resume includes the recently completed Gray Public Library, also designed by Reed & Co. Architecture; the Pennell Institute in Gray; and, the Morrison Developmental Center in Scarborough.

The building committee interviewed four of the eight firms submitting bids before deciding to recommend Zachau, McGovern said.

In an email to the building committee, Town Council chair Jessica Sullivan called the decision "very exciting news".

"Many thanks to the Library Building Committee members for their efforts and dedication. We will now be on our last phase towards creating a beautifully defined new Thomas Memorial Library with a firm price, for the voters in November," Sullivan wrote.

Zachau proposed a fee of $160,300 for general conditions; $9,000 for pre-construction costs; and, 4 percent of the estimated $3 million construction budget, for a total of $289,300.

In December, the Town Council appropriated $340,810 to pay for pre-bid, pre-construction costs for the library project, which includes the $9,000 of services from the construction manager. [news article]

The library proposal that failed at the polls in 2012 presented only a preliminary design without benefit of a construction manager.