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School Board adopts goals, objectives for five-year strategic plan

The School Board on Oct. 8, 2013 adopted a set of goals and objectives for its strategic plan.

The four goals, each with supporting objectives, support the mission and vision adopted by the board in May 2012.

School Board member Michael Moore said the goals and objectives will provide a framework for developing the strategic plan. "I believe in January or February we will be given more details, action items, and measurable benchmarks on how we're going to implement this program throughout the district," he said.

The goals were the subject of two public forums and a School Board workshop in September.

"I would just once again commend the direction that the district has chosen to take," said board member Mary Townsend, who is finishing her tenure on the board next month. "You're on the right track and I look forward to seeing how this grows," she said.

Developing and supporting a strategic plan is one of the School Board's goals for 2013.

Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives for 2013-2018
Adopted October 8, 2013

Goal 1:  Ensure opportunities for the success of all students by providing a high-quality and comprehensive instructional program.


  1. Narrow the achievement gap for vulnerable cohort groups and support all students in achieving academic growth.
  2. Ensure a well-articulated and coordinated K-12 curriculum which embeds 21st century skills and knowledge and meets learning standards established by the State of Maine.
  3. Develop a standards-based assessment and reporting system profiling the educational skills, passions, and needs of all Cape Elizabeth students.

Goal 2:  Expand learning opportunities for all students by cultivating an inclusive and supportive district culture.


  1. Strengthen community connections by developing and sustaining partnerships with local individuals, businesses, and organizations to reinforce the learning of 21st century skills in and outside of the classroom.
  2. Support the development of the traits of personal integrity, empathy, responsibility, respect for self and others, perseverance, independence, and collaboration.
  3. Expand students’ understanding of global cultures and issues.

Goal 3:  Increase student engagement in learning and teacher engagement in instruction.


  1. Increase the district’s flexibility to transform the educational experience for students by becoming an an Innovative School District.
  2. Provide a variety of options for students to become college and career ready.
  3. Provide a variety of options for teachers to grow professionally that are connected to individual and district goals.

Goal 4:  Align the district budget with strategic plan goals and target resources accordingly.


  1. Adopt a multi-year Capital Improvements Plan for the school district.
  2. Adopt annual budgets which support the work of the strategic plan.