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School Board to review draft goals for five-year strategic plan at Sept. 24 workshop

School Superintendent Meredith Nadeau presented a draft, five-year strategic plan overview for Cape Elizabeth schools at the School Board meeting Sept. 10, 2013.

The plan embodies four goal areas that support the mission and vision adopted by the board in May 2012. Each goal is supported by a list of at least three objectives.

The September presentation of the draft is a first step in adopting a five-year strategic plan for the schools. The board is scheduled to discuss the draft at a workshop Sept. 24, and is expected to vote for adoption in October.

A list of short- and long-term action steps, and measurable targets for the objectives, are scheduled to be presented to the board in January. Progress on the plan will be reported to the board beginning next June, and then twice a year through 2018.

"That's kind of the 'broad brush'," Nadeau said. The goals encapsulate the direction the School Board and the community would like to see the schools move. "Then, the people in our schools are going to be helping to spell out exactly how we're going to get there," Nadeau said.

One objective generating discussion at the School Board meeting Sept. 10 was to increase educational flexibility by becoming an Innovative School District, as outlined in Maine Revised Statutes. Nadeau said she did not know all of the components, but that staff would further explain the requirements, implications, and some examples of innovative schools at the Sept. 24 workshop.

"I think that's part of the conversation that's going to be happening in each school, as well as at the district level," Nadeau said.

John Christie, School Board chair, said he believed the innovative school designation may encourage creative approaches to education. "It unshackles us from the concept that state regulations are preventing us from doing what we'd really like to do," he said. What exactly those things might be will be clearer once the action steps are developed, he said. "But it's liberating, to my mind," Christie said.

School Board member Mary Townsend, who said she worked on the mission and vision for several months, said she was excited to see the supporting strategic plan taking shape. "There's exciting potential in each one of these goals," Townsend said.

Developing and supporting a strategic plan is one of the School Board's goals for 2013.

Draft Strategic Plan Goals Updated
August 23, 2013

Goal 1: Ensure opportunities for the success of all students by providing a high quality and comprehensive instructional program.


  1. Narrow the achievement gap for vulnerable cohort groups.
  2. Ensure a well-articulated and coordinated K12 curriculum which embeds 21st century skills and knowledge and meets or exceeds learning standards adopted by the State of Maine.
  3. Develop a standards-based assessment and reporting system profiling the educational skills, passions, and needs of all Cape Elizabeth students.

Goal 2: Expand learning opportunities for all students by cultivating an inclusive and supportive culture.


  1. Strengthen community connections by developing and sustaining partnerships with local individuals, businesses, and organizations to reinforce the learning of 21st century skills in and outside of the classroom.
  2. Support the development of the traits of personal integrity, empathy, responsibility, respect for self and others, perseverance, independence, and collaboration.
  3. Expand students’ understanding of global cultures and issues.

Goal 3: Increase student engagement in learning and teacher engagement in instruction.


  1. Increase the district’s flexibility to transform the educational experience for students and staff by becoming an Innovative School District.
  2. Provide opportunities for teachers to grow professionally that are connected to individual needs and district goals.
  3. Provide a variety of options for students to be college and career ready.

Goal 4: Align the district budget with district goals and target resources accordingly.


  1. Adopt a multiyear capital improvements plan for the district.