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Low bid on Shore Road Path construction under engineer's estimate

Nine construction companies submitted bids to work on the Shore Road Path project, with a low bid of $804,233 submitted by Cape Elizabeth's L.P. Murray and Sons.

In an email to the Town Council, Town Manager Michael McGovern announced the results just after bids were opened at 2 p.m. on Thursday, May 24, 2012.

The low bid compares to the engineer's pre-bid construction estimate of $875,866.50, McGovern said.

"This day has come about after over seven years of planning by four municipal committees, longstanding support from the Town Council, considerable efforts by staff members, a committed citizenry who have advocated and raised money for the project and support from PACTS, MDOT and the Federal Highway Administration," he said.

The $1.03 million project to construct a 2.2-mile pathway along Shore Road is being funded by a $729,000 federal grant and a $104,000 donation of privately raised funds. The balance is being financed by municipal sources, including the Town Center sidewalk account ($60,000); credit from the Portland Area Comprehensive Transportation System ($40,000); a municipal Infrastructure Improvement Fund ($75,000); and monies from a 2008 bond ($26,000).

"We will soon move to the construction phase and everyone's patience and understanding will be appreciated in the months ahead," McGovern said.

Here is a summary of bids received:

LP Murray and Sons ........................ $ 804,233.00
T Buck Construction ........................ $ 894,828.00
D & C Construction ......................... $ 904,445.07
RJ Grondin and Sons ....................... $ 905,628.00
CPM Constructors ........................ $ 1,029,541.00
White Brothers ............................ $ 1,032,128.00
Shaw Earthworks ........................ $ 1,187,849.60
Shaw Brothers Construction ....... $ 1,194,766.50
Dearborn Construction ................ $ 1,194,901.00