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Council approves fiscal 2013 budget; validation of school spending set for June 12

The Town Council on May 14, 2012 approved a $32.2 million overall municipal budget for school, town, council and Community Services for fiscal 2013.

The approved budget carries with it a property tax rate of $15.85, an increase of 67 cents, or 4.4 percent, over this year's rate of $15.18.

Voters will validate the school portion of the budget at the polls on Tuesday, June 12. (see related story). The school budget, approved at $21.8 million, is up 3 percent over this year's and accounts for 52 cents of the overall tax-rate increase. The schools will experience a $236,000 net reduction in revenues next year, including a loss in state subsidy of $272,000.

The school budget, approved in a separate vote, passed 5-1, with Councilor Jessica Sullivan dissenting. Councilor Jim Walsh recused himself from voting on the school budget because his wife is employed by the School Department. The other budgets were approved by a 6-1 vote, again with Sullivan voting no.

Here is a summary of proposed budget totals and impact on property taxes: [download summary]

   FY 2011   FY 2012   FY 2013  $ Change % Change
   BUDGET   BUDGET   BUDGET  FY 12 to FY 13 FY 12 to FY 13
TOWN SERVICES  $8,539,687  $8,919,979  $8,865,608  $ (54,371) -0.6%
COUNTYASSESSMENT  $947,600  $992,047  $998,136  $  6,089 0.6%
SCHOOLDEPARTMENT  $20,676,971  $21,124,690  $21,765,817  $641,127 3.0%
COMMUNITYSERVICES  $186,993  $186,993  $437,006  $250,013 133.7%
LocalHomestead Exemption  $185,000  $173,000  $149,000  $ (24,000) -13.9%
   $30,536,251  $31,396,709  $32,215,567  $818,858 2.6%
TOWN SERVICES  $3,152,500  $3,380,900  $3,306,400  $ (74,500) -2.2%
SCHOOLDEPARTMENT  $3,346,636  $3,078,489  $2,842,679  $ (235,810) -7.7%
TOTAL  $6,499,136  $6,459,389  $6,149,079  $ (310,310) -4.8%
NET TO TAXES          
TOWN  SERVICES  $5,387,187  $5,539,079  $5,559,208  $20,129 0.4%
COUNTYASSESSMENT  $947,600  $992,047  $998,136  $  6,089 0.6%
SCHOOLDEPARTMENT  $17,330,335  $18,046,201  $18,923,138  $876,937 4.9%
COMMUNITYSERVICES  $186,993  $186,993  $437,006  $250,013 133.7%
LocalHomestead Exemption  $185,000  $173,000  $149,000  $ (24,000) -13.9%
TOTAL  $24,037,115  $24,937,320  $26,066,488  $  1,129,168 4.5%
TAX RATES (Rounded to nearest ยข)          
TOWN SERVICES  $ 4.01  $ 3.37  $ 3.38  $ 0.01 0.3%
COUNTYASSESSMENT  $ 0.70  $ 0.60  $ 0.61  $ 0.01 1.7%
SCHOOLDEPARTMENT  $  12.89  $  10.98  $  11.50  $ 0.52 4.7%
COMMUNITYSERVICES  $ 0.14  $ 0.11  $ 0.27  $ 0.16 145.5%
OVERLAY    $ 0.02  $  -    $   (0.02) -100.0%
SUBTOTAL  $  17.73  $  15.08    $ 0.68 4.5%
 Local Homestead Exemption  $ 0.13  $ 0.10  $ 0.09  $   (0.01) -10.0%
TOTAL  $  17.86  $  15.18  $  15.85  $ 0.67 4.4%
TAX RATEVALUATION BASIS 1,345,000,000 1,645,700,000 1,645,700,000  $   -   0.0%


Taxes on $314,000Home 
  FY 2012 FY 2013 Change
TOWN SERVICES  $1,058.18  $1,061.32  $3.14
COUNTYASSESSMENT  $  188.40  $  191.54  $3.14
SCHOOLDEPARTMENT  $3,447.72  $3,611.00  $ 163.28
COMMUNITYSERVICES  $ 34.54  $ 84.78  $   50.24
OVERLAY  $  6.28  $ -    $   (6.28)
SUBTOTAL  $4,735.12  $4,948.64  $ 213.52
 Local Homestead Exemption  $ 31.40  $ 28.26  $   (3.14)
TOTAL  $4,766.52  $4,976.90  $ 210.38