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Speakers support school budget; council plans adoption vote May 14, validation election June 12

Four residents spoke at the Town Council's budget hearing April 23, 2012 to support the school budget proposed for fiscal 2013.

The four: Trish Brigham, Stonegate Road; Kathy Lualdi, Trundy Road; Dana Stanley, Abaco Drive; and Dan Fishbein, Hunts Point Road, called the school spending proposal reasonable and responsible, especially in light of a $272,000 loss in state subsidy.

"In the face of this challenge, Cape Elizabeth educators have done an excellent job of doing more with less," said Stanley, who said he moved to Cape Elizabeth four years ago primarily for its reputation for quality education. "The high expectations have been met so far," Stanley said.

The hearing sought comment on a combined $32.2 million spending plan for all town services - school, municipal, county and Community Services - proposed for fiscal 2013. [download summary and tax impact].

Final adoption is slated for the May 14 council meeting, with school budget validation vote set for June 12.

Before the hearing, council Finance Committee Chair Frank Governali offered highlights of the overall proposal:

  • Overall spending increase is 2.6 percent
  • 2 largest items
    · School expenditures .................... 67 percent of the budget
    · Town expenditures ...................... 27 percent of the budget
  • Underlying objectives for town and school budgets is to maintain existing services while constraining spending increases
  • Net reduction in school revenue .. $236,000
  • Spending increase schools ........... 3 percent
  • Spending increase town ............... 3 percent
    — Both spending increases due to payroll cost adjustments
  • Pool expenditures have moved from town budget to Community Services budget
  • Town investment in Capital Stewardship program .... $723,000
  • Community Services and Pool budget unchanged at $437,000
  • TOTAL tax increase ...................... 4.4 percent
  • TOTAL tax rate increase ............... from $15.18 to $15.85
  • Increase effect on home valued at $314,000 ................................ $210
  • Number town and school public budget workshops ...................... 5
  • Both the Town Council and School Board voted unanimously to present their budgets for public hearing

In support of the school budget, all four who spoke at the hearing April 23 characterized Cape Elizabeth's proposed tax increase as "modest" compared to those in neighboring school systems. Fishbein lauded school officials for planning for the loss of federal funding that occurred this year, and the teachers for the contract agreed to last year. "So I think we all should be appreciative that the community came together, teachers, administrators, elected officials, to make it possible for us to have a reasonable situation in front of us this year rather than a crisis," Fishbein said.

Brigham also compared school spending with that in surrounding communities, but added that Cape Elizabeth's could be higher for the community to stay "on top of its game." The budget barely maintains a capital plan that "pales in comparison" to that of other communities; and, it does not fully fund athletic or extracurricular programs which are integral to student education, she said. "(The budget) seems however to be responsible in balancing student needs with budget constraints," Brigham said. "I hope the community will join me and will support the budget that was set forth by the School Board."