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Future Open Space Preservation Committee turns attention to growth areas at August meeting

The Future Open Space Preservation Committee will turn its attention to growth areas at its August meeting.

The meeting is set for 7 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 15, 2012, in the William H. Jordan Conference Room at Town Hall. (directions)

The ad hoc Future Open Space Preservation (FOSP) Committee was appointed in 2010 to implement the "Recreation and Open Space" chapter of the 2007 comprehensive plan. The committee has completed most of its 10-step charge and is now working on its review of growth areas.

Public comment is welcome at every meeting and the FOSP committee welcomes public comment on growth areas. Members of the public may speak at the meeting or email their comments to the town planner, who will forward them to the committee.

Review of growth areas was added to the committee's charge by the Town Council in June of 2011. The review is intended to continue the work of the council's ordinance subcommittee and to maximize opportunities for public input on designated growth areas.

"Growth areas," as defined by state law and comprehensive-plan rule, are those considered to be most appropriate by a locality for its own projected growth and development. Cape Elizabeth's designated growth areas are identified in the Town's zoning ordinance and comprehensive plan.

For more information please contact Town Planner Maureen O'Meara, 207-799-0115.