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Subcommittee recommends continued review of development/growth areas, more opportunities for public input

The Town Council's ordinance subcommittee is recommending that two areas - Turkey Hill Farm off of Old Ocean House Road, and the Loveitt heirs parcel behind Sherwood Forest - be removed from the Town comprehensive plan's list of designated growth areas.

The subcommittee's recommendation is a result of a six-month review of designated growth areas - areas considered suitable for future development. The committee was asked to review growth areas last December as one of several council actions aimed at directing comprehensive-plan implementation toward preservation of open space.

At the their June 13, 2011 meeting, the council referred the Turkey Hill Farm and the Loveitt heirs parcel recommendation to the Planning Board, and at the same time, agreed with the subcommittee's further recommendation to have another committee continue to look at growth areas.

Designated growth areas include those zoned as Residence B in the zoning ordinance. The Residence C zone is also designated as suitable for in-fill growth. The Town Center zone is also a designated growth area.

The Planning Board will look at whether Turkey Hill Farm and the Loveitt heirs parcel should be removed from the Residence B zone.

The Future Open Space Preservation Committee, an ad hoc panel formed by the council last December, will look at designated growth areas in addition to open-space preservation. The council extended the committee's expiration date from April 8 to Dec. 31, 2011.

Since December, the ordinance subcommittee met six times to review designated growth areas. The meetings drew public interest, and public comment was accepted before and after meetings, but subcommittee members believed that passing review on to the Future Open Space Study Committee would maximize opportunities for public participation.

"We wish to have more public input," said Councilor Jim Walsh, chairman of the ordinance subcommittee. Rather than have its review end, or have it continue indefinitely, the subcommittee believed it best to pass review to a committee already charged with studying open space preservation, Walsh said.

The ordinance subcommittee also passed on a list of "statements of agreement", which documents common themes of discussion throughout its review of designated growth areas.

Turkey Hill Farm and the Loveitt heirs parcel were recommended for removal as growth areas because of conservation easements existing on the properties.