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05/17/2011 (updated 05/20/2011)

Public invited to weigh in on policies proposed to manage Town open space

Did you know that the Town of Cape Elizabeth is the largest owner of publicly accessible land in the Town? Now is the time for residents to voice their opinions on its management.

Open Space and Greenbelt Management Plan
Public Forum

7 p.m. Thursday, May 26, 2011
Town Hall

Download draft plan (05/19/2011 - 5.29 MB)

Town Planner Maureen O'Meara,

The Open Space and Greenbelt Management Plan Committee, composed of the Town Conservation Commission and Town Councilor Jessica Sullivan, will host a public forum on a proposed plan for Town open space management at 7 p.m. Thursday, May 26, in the Town Hall. (directions)

Update - The full draft management plan is available for review on this website: Click here to download draft plan (as 05/19/2011 - 5.29 MB)

The draft open space management plan contains policies for use and maintenance of open space, including greenbelt trails, currently owned by the Town. It does not include Fort Williams Park and the Town’s athletic fields, which are independently managed.

The committee has been working on the plan for nine months and has just finished a complete draft. Committee members are eager to present this draft and hear comments from town residents.

By the end of June, with consideration of the public’s views, the committee will present the final draft to the Town Council.

The management plan includes a detailed inventory of all town open space and trails, organized for the first time by areas.

Seven 'preserves'

Seven areas have been included in a new classification called "preserve" - an open space parcel that contains wetlands or other features that severely constrain use. These areas are often important wildlife habitats and valuable to neighborhoods as natural areas, although they usually do not include trails. The draft plan for the first time sets out a policy to leave these areas as they are.

The draft management plan also begins to treat another group of small parcels as "neighborhood parks". These parcels, in many cases, are valuable primarily to the surrounding neighborhood.

Policies for the first time outline acceptable uses and activities

Probably the most important part of the draft plan are the management policies, ranging from hunting and trapping to hours of use to pet waste to activities. The Open Space and Greenbelt Management Plan Committee studied these policies at length and is eager to hear if they reflect community values: For example, the draft plan allows for dogs to be off-leash in open space areas. The committee is also recommending that town trails be open at all hours, but that use be restricted to quiet enjoyment at night.

The draft plan also includes recommendations for a proactive approach to private encroachments onto public property. A formal process is also recommended to respond to encroachments when they are identified.

The Town of Cape Elizabeth owns or holds easements over 923 acres of town open space and over 16 miles of public trails. With direction from the Town Council and residents, the Open Space and Greenbelt Management Plan Committee’s draft plan is a comprehensive attempt to elevate the current custom and practice to a written set of policies that are readily available to the public.