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Town Of Cape Elizabeth
Cape Elizabeth News


Committee invites public comment during drafting of open-space management plan

The Open Space Management Committee, established by the Town Council in April, has prepared an outline for its pending report and is beginning to draft sections of the plan for council approval.

The committee allows public comment at every meeting and is encouraging the public to submit written comments during the drafting process. The Open Space Management Committee has already held one public forum in June 2010 (meeting notes | video) and will be holding another public forum in the spring.

As draft sections of the plan are completed, they will be posted to this website. However, members of the public do not need to wait for a draft to make comments.

At this time the committee is working on Section V, Property Management and Maintenance Policies. Policies ranging from hours of operation to hunting and fishing to public property boundary encroachments are being discussed.

For more information, please contact Town Planner Maureen O'Meara, 799-0115.

Previous stories:

Open Space and Greenbelt Management Plan
Working Outline (subject to change)

I.          Purpose/Vision statement

      A.   Town Council charge
      B.   Greenbelt Plan Vision Statement
      C.   Vision may change/be added to as town changes
      D.   Stewardship

II.        Management Plan Components

A.   Town owned Open space land
1.   Dominant use open space
2.   Subordinate use open space
B.   Town owned easements/fee ownership by others
C.   Linkages to town owned land/easements

III.       Inventory and Description of Properties by Use Category

A.   Use category (open space with/without trails, wildlife habitat (unimproved), paper streets or pedestrian connectors, other) location, size, topography, natural features
B.   Use restrictions
      1.   Deed restrictions
      2.   Existing ordinances/ state law and regulations
      3.   Town policies
IV.       Role of Responsible Parties

      A.   Town Council
      B.   Town Manager
      C.   Conservation Commission        
      D.   Town Planner                             
      E.   Public Works Department
      F.   Code Enforcement Officer                     
      G.   Private Property Owners
      H.   Other stakeholders

V.         Property Management and Maintenance Policies

A.   Town-wide property management policies
      1.   Existing ordinances, State laws and regulations
      2.   Trail conditions
      3.   Signage
      4.   Hours of operation
      5.   Encroachments
      6.   Invasive species
      7.   Animal refuse
      8.   Flora and fauna damage or removal
      9.   New work
            a.  new bridges
            b.  new trails
            c.  new signage boxes
            d.  new structures, etc.
10. Hunting
11. Trapping
12. Camping
13. Horses
14. Pets
15. Fishing (include state mandated access to great ponds)
15. Other
B.   Property management policies for specific parcels.

VI.       Maintenance Policies and Policies for specific properties

A.    Town wide policies
      1.  Establish base condition goal
      2.   Ongoing/Annual maintenance
      3.  Short-term maintenance needs      
      4.  Long Term maintenance needs
      5.  Temporary trail closures
            a.  repair
            b.  rest
B.   Parcel Specific
VII.    Public Information and Safety

A.   Town website
1.   Publicize trail or space closure, repair status, etc
2.   Special events
B.   Local media
C.   Maps
D.   New Media presence
E.   Signage

VIII.    Additional Recommendations

A.   Policies, including model conservation easement deed
B.   Funding
C.   Coordination with Land Trust
D.   Volunteer development