Cape Elizabeth News


Superintendent to announce plan to retire effective Dec. 31

Alan Hawkins, superintendent of Cape Elizabeth schools for the last five years, will announce his intention to retire effective Dec 31, 2010.

Hawkins has been superintendent of Cape Elizabeth schools since July 1, 2005. Before then he was superintendent in Wiscasset, and has been a principal and teacher in his home community of South Portland.

In a letter Hawkins plans to read to the School Board at their meeting Aug. 24, 2010, Hawkins said he will especially cherish his experience in Cape Elizabeth. "Though the decision is a difficult one for me, the time has come to retire from my current role as a superintendent. It is done with great pride and humility at the opportunity of working collaboratively with so many in our community," the letter says.

Hawkins will offer to stay on as a consultant through April 15, 2011 to assist in the transition to a new superintendent, as well as work on the system's curriculum, instruction and assessment plan, and emergency plan.

Here is the text of the letter he is expected to read to the School Board:

Dear Chairperson Millett and School Board Members:

I am writing to inform you that I intend to retire as the Superintendent of Schools for Cape Elizabeth, effective December 31, 2010.  I have worked in the education field for over 40 years. In that time, although there have been many changes in education, in students, in families and in communities, the educational needs of students have remained consistent.   In order for a school system to be a true success, the teachers, administrators and the community must focus on the academic, social and emotional needs of each student.  I believe it is a telling sign of the success of the collaborative efforts of our community that the Cape Elizabeth Schools have worked together to develop the necessary knowledge, skills, behaviors and attitudes to help our students become successful individuals and 21st century citizens.

That work has included: developing a strong comprehensive curriculum, instruction and assessment system to meet individual student needs; creating an effective emergency preparedness plan for the safety for the entire school community; writing job descriptions that clearly define the roles of each staff member; clarifying the expectations of each co-curricular program; developing budgets that align with the educational, social and emotional needs of our students; designing a truly k-12 system that articulates educational opportunities in a sequential manner; and providing a support system that enhances learning opportunities for all students in Cape Elizabeth.

It has certainly been an honor and a privilege to serve as the Superintendent for the last five years.  Although each job I have held has left me with its own special memories, I especially cherish my experience here in Cape Elizabeth. I have been so very fortunate to work with a terrific group of people who, despite tough economic times, strive to breathe life into our mission and vision statements:
·    Teachers who (day in and day out) provide our students with the finest education;
·    Educational Technicians who work to strengthen the daily learning process;
·    Administrators who make every effort to promote success and excellence in teaching and learning;  
·    A community that cherishes education;  
·    Public officials such as yourselves who sacrifice their time and efforts to ensure that our educational system flourishes; and of course  
·    Staff members who make all of the above possible.  

My career has been one of great joy, constant reflection, continuing research into the best teaching practices of the time, and my own internal drive to do what is best for students.  Though the decision is a difficult one for me, the time has come to retire from my current role as a Superintendent. It is done with great pride and humility at the opportunity of working collaboratively with so many in our community.
Despite my plans to retire as the Superintendent, I don't plan to walk away from the education field or from Cape Elizabeth.  I would be happy to stay on as a consultant through April 15, 2011 to assist in the transition to a new superintendent and to work on the curriculum, instruction and assessment, and the emergency plan. 

Again, thank you for the privilege of working with all of you.


Alan H. Hawkins

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