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Town Of Cape Elizabeth
Cape Elizabeth News


Officials eyeing traffic in Town Center

Town officials are again looking at whether traffic in the Town Center warrants a traffic signal.

The Town, in consultation with Wilbur Smith Associates, will be monitoring traffic at the intersection of Shore, Ocean House and Scott Dyer roads; and, at the intersection of Ocean House Road and the entrance to the High School.

This is a preliminary study, said Town Manager Michael McGovern, and fulfills a Town Council goal for 2003-2004 to review roadway and pedestrian safety in the Town Center.

A traffic monitor will be stationed at Shore/Scott Dyer/Ocean House Road from noon-6 p.m. Monday, Sept. 8, and 6 a.m.-noon Tuesday, Sept 9; and, at the Ocean House Road and High School entrance from 6 a.m.-noon Wednesday, Sept. 10, and noon-6 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 11.

Data gathered will include sight distances and turning movements, as well as an analysis of accident reports.