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Town Of Cape Elizabeth
Cape Elizabeth News

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Emergency ordinance could re-open Jordan Way for High School morning access

The Town Council will hold a special meeting at 7:30 Monday morning, Dec. 15, to consider an emergency ordinance that would have the effect of keeping Jordan Way open as an alternate access to Cape Elizabeth High School during the hour before school starts.

The emergency ordinance would amend the traffic regulations to permit public use of Jordan Way for the purpose of relieving traffic entering the school complex.

Morning traffic at the High School entrance at Ocean House Road has been a concern among parents, students and school and Town officials in recent years. Last spring and early this school year, officials opened Jordan Way to High School morning traffic in attempt to ease congestion at the main entrance off of Ocean House Road, where cars have been reported to be backed up as far as Jordan Way itself.

The alternate entrance had helped some, but police closed Jordan Way Dec. 1 in anticipation of winter snows. Snow piled at the end of the road just beyond the Town Center Fire Station could block visibility, Police Chief Neil Williams said last month.

However, the High School Parent Association petitioned the Town Council to re-open Jordan Way for morning traffic. At the Dec. 8 meeting of the Town Council, Chairman Mary Ann Lunch read a letter from the HSPA voicing their concern about the Town closing the alternate entrance.

"I think the traffic issue begs both a permanent solution and an interim one," said Lynch at the Dec. 8 meeting. She suggested the Town Manager work with the police chief to keep Jordan Way open, at least in the interim, and that the Planning Board take a serious look at traffic issues as they review site plans included in the upcoming High School renovations.

Councilor John McGinty suggested waiting until the town could review a report due from a traffic engineer on the levels of service at the High School entrance, and at the intersections of Shore, Scott Dyer and Ocean House Roads. The survey on these intersections was taken during the second week of September, and is part of a Town Council goal to review roadway and pedestrian safety in the Town Center.

Lynch is calling for adoption of the emergency ordinance, which would allow vehicular traffic on Jordan Way in accordance with a traffic plan approved by the Town Manager for the purpose of relieving traffic entering the school complex.

In a telephone interview, McGovern said the wording gives the Town flexibility to open Jordan Way at other times during the renovation project to relieve congestion if necessary.

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