CEPD Receives Rare Accreditation

The Cape Elizabeth Police Department has received accreditation through the Maine Law Enforcement Accreditation Program (MLEAP), a voluntary process undertaken by less than one-quarter of Maine’s approximately 130 law enforcement agencies.

 The Cape Elizabeth Police Department met 158 accreditation standards and passed an on-site visit verifying the agency’s compliance with the best practices of Maine law enforcement. The 158 standards across 12 chapters include Administration and Organization, Professional Standards and Conduct, Training, Personnel, Records and Information, Use of Force, Law Enforcement Operations, Property and Evidence Management, and others.

Chief of Police Paul Fenton expressed his thoughts on his department receiving MLEAP accreditation: 

  “One of my main goals for our department is to have an ethos of continual improvement. Achieving accreditation allows us to have outside evaluators provide a neutral assessment of our department’s operations on every level. This entire accreditation process has provided transparency and ensures that we are holding ourselves to the highest of standards. The public gives the department its trust, but this process is proof that we are keeping to the highest of standards when it comes to police policy and operations. Accreditation also provides continued feedback and will keep our agency on track with the most contemporary accepted trends and standards in the field of law enforcement.”

About MLEAP:

“The Maine Law Enforcement Accreditation Program (MLEAP) is a voluntary process where police agencies in Maine prove their compliance with Maine Law Enforcement’s current Best Practices or Standards. These standards were carefully developed by Maine Law Enforcement professionals to assist agencies in the efficient and effective delivery of service and the protection of individual rights.

The Maine Chiefs of Police Association (MCOPA) developed the Accreditation Program to assist Maine agencies in meeting their professional obligations to the citizens of Maine. An appointed Committee of CLEOs or other executive-level sworn members who hold Active Membership in the MCOPA as well as other critical partners identified by the MCOPA Board of Directors from across the state developed the Accreditation Program and identified the Standards for Maine Law Enforcement. This committee now conducts reviews of an agency’s efforts and awards “Accredited” status.”

 The Department will receive a plaque from MLEAP and formal recognition at a future meeting of the Town Council. Accredited status results in a 15% reduction in the cost of the Town’s police liability insurance.


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