Chair Reiniger addresses $42M proposal

I am writing to explain the proposed $42m bond proposal for the three Cape Elizabeth schools and to address some misconceptions. This $42m figure is intended to fund the critically needed safety repairs a) as identified by Colby Co, LLC engineers and confirmed by the Harriman Architects, 2) further reviewed (including costs) by the Owner-Representative, and c) expressly integrated by the SBAC into the final three Concept Options.  In addition to repairs, this bond proposal includes funds vetted and recommended by the SBAC for the construction of new secure entrances at both the elementary school and the middle school. 

This proposal is intended to ensure that the critical building safety needs in our schools, including deferred maintenance, are addressed. We cannot, in good conscience, ignore these pressing issues. This proposal, which would represent a 5% tax increase, is not meant to undermine or take away from the School Board's proposed new middle school, but rather to provide a minimum alternative should town citizens prefer a smaller tax impact.

1. Vetting of $36m for critically needed repairs to the three schools

Throughout the SBAC review process, Harriman consistently put forward $10m for the elementary school, $10m for the middle school, and $16m for the high school (also known as Option A, which totaled $36m). In the April 22, 2024 presentation (slide 45), in the top box (i.e. repairs for years 0-6), the SBAC formally integrated the Option A repair costs into the cost requirements in each of the final Options: In May 9, 2024, the SBAC formally voted to recommend Option B with these repair numbers. And, in the May 21, 2024 presentation before the School Board, Harriman reiterated the same repair numbers (slide 4):, Of note, the repair numbers were also included in Option E, which is the foundation for the current ‘Middle Ground’ proposal. And all of the identified critical repairs/renovations were based on the December 21, 2023 Needs Assessment completed by Harriman, which updated the previous assessment performed by Colby Co, LLC):

The School Board has reported that the Owners Rep reviewed the $36m cost figure developed by Harriman - "Project cost estimates, initially provided by Harriman, were subject to an independent validation process by the Owner’s Representatives at Turner Townsend Heery. Furthermore, tax impact analyses were prepared by outside consultants at Moors & Cabot and subsequently validated by our town manager. This comprehensive validation process underscores a commitment to transparency and accuracy in presenting the financial implications of each proposed design option to the Cape Elizabeth community." (Available at:*19u6gfg*_ga*MjE0Njg5ODQ2Ni4xNzIwOTk4MzEx*_ga_S9671QLRKY*MTcyMDk5ODMxMS4xLjEuMTcyMDk5ODM4NC4wLjAuMA.)

2. Vetting of the safety upgrades/renovations to the front entrances to the elementary and middle schools

With respect to the new entrances for both the elementary school and the middle school (to address school safety for students, teachers, and staff), the SBAC used a figure of 7000 sq ft (based on the earlier Colby Co. LLC plans and left unchanged by Harriman) times a cost of $700 per sq ft. This gets us to $36m + $4900 ($2450 each for the elementary school and the middle school). For the balance, the proposal currently includes a small contingency amount. The result is the designated $13m for the elementary school, $13m for the middle school, and $16m for the high school, all totaling $42m. 

3. Timing of the Town Council's minimum repair/renovation bond referendum policy

To ensure that the health and safety needs of the students and staff be met, the Town Council's minimum repair/renovation bond referendum policy was developed following the School Board's rejection of the SBAC's recommendation of Option B at the end of May 2024. Subsequently, on June 10, 2024 the Town Council approved (5-2 vote) the following policy statement:

               "To ensure the health and safety of our students and staff, the Town    Council intends to put forth a bond referendum amount sufficient, at a  minimum, to cover the costs of building  deficiencies, critically needed  repairs, and necessary security upgrades at all three schools, as  reported by Harriman Architects and the School Building Advisory  Committee."

To best effectuate this policy, the $42m bond proposal was brought forward at the July 9 Town Council meeting to be sent to public hearing.

4. Moving forward

It is hoped that the School Board will forward to the Town Council any necessary reduction to the $42m total minimum repair bond number for the Councilors' consideration in discerning the final Warrant options. Based on the most recent School Department reports on the remaining needed repairs to the three schools, the total is now approaching $32m (representing a 4% property tax increase). 


Timothy Reiniger

Chair, Cape Elizabeth Town Council


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