Public Hearings set for two school project bonds on July 29

At the July 8, 2024 Town Council meeting, Chair Timothy Reiniger requested that the council consider scheduling a public hearing for a School Project bond in the amount of $42 million for Monday, July 29, 2024.  Reiniger explained that the requests supports guaranteeing a minimum dollar amount, "To fix the schools, which is our ultimate responsibility to protect the assets of the town."  

The agenda item came before the council's consideration to approve the School Board's resolution to put forward a "Middle Ground School Project Design" with a total cost of $89.9 million.  The resolution was passed by the School Board on July 1.  The Middle Ground design was presented to the Town Council and School Board on June 17, where responses from both bodies were positive.  A public forum for the Middle Ground School Design on June 24 also generated significant positive feedback from the public.

Consequently, the council was divided on Chair Reiniger's request.  Councilors Stephanie Anderson, Susan Gillis, Reiniger, and Tim Thompson voted in favor of the motion; councilors Jeremy Gabrielson, Caitlin Jordan Harriman, and Penny Jordan voted against.

The proceeding agenda item was a consideration of the School Board's resolution to put forward a Middle Ground School Project Design with total cost of $89.9 million and the scheduling a public hearing for a bond warrant.  A motion was made to send the item to a public hearing, also on July 29.  However, Chair Reiniger requested that an amendment be made to the proposed bond number, by adding $4.8 million in order to stabilize the 1934 building which would become defunct with a new middle school building.  Councilor Anderson moved to amend the motion; Gillis seconded it.  Again, the vote was divided with Anderson, Gillis, Reiniger, and Thompson voting for the amendment; Gabrielson, Jordan Harriman, and Jordan voting against the amendment.

Interim Town Manager indicated that guidance from the town's bond counsel would be requested as, "School bonds or projects involving schools have a whole different set of rules on state law than a municipal project," and that the 1934 building restoration amount may have to be a separate vote from the school bond to avoid all complications.

On the motion to send the School Board's resolution to a public hearing as amended, the council voted unanimously.

The public hearing on both proposals will take place on Monday, July 29, 2024 in the Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m.

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