School Board seeks new building option

On Tuesday, May 21, 2024, the School Board held a workshop to learn more about the School Building Advisory Committee's design options B and E.  On May 9 the SBAC voted 5-4 in favor of moving forward with Option B.  

The School Board received presentations from SBAC members Michael Hussey and Corrine Bell; Hussey voted for Option B and Bell voted for Option E.  Following their presentations, Lisa Sawin of Harriman responded to questions submitted by the board.  Following these discussions, the School Board chose to direct Superintendent Christopher Record to work with Harriman to develop an alternate solution that includes a new middle school, improvements to the elementary and high school, which will fall within a 10% tax increase.  

In the coming weeks, as Record, the District Leadership Team, and the School Board find a new way forward with Harriman, the School Building Advisory Committee will pause its work.  Previously scheduled meetings and forums outlined by the SBAC will also be paused until the Harriman and the School Board complete their work.

Questions and comments regarding the school building project should be directed to the School Board.

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