Landfill Solar Array Granted Extension

The Planning Board voted 6-0 in favor of granting a site plan amendment extension to the Cape Elizabeth landfill solar array at Gull Crest for one year at the Tuesday, May 21, 2024 board meeting.  Last year, the May 16, 2023 board-approved amendment to the Gull Crest site plan to permit the installation of a solar array on the landfill cap, was valid for only one year.

Jeff Read, of Sevee & Maher Engineers, Inc., explained that the request for the extension is because the project is taking longer than originally anticipated.  "We have been working through the site and coordinating with Jay [Reynolds, Public Works Director] on a few items including rearranging staging areas, some site lighting and a few other issues to make sure the proposed construction will minimize impact to the existing operations at the transfer station."  Additional time has also been needed to finalize details with Central Maine Power regarding the off-take and electrical interconnection.  Read said that the project is likely to kick off in the next few months.  "We are excited for the project and are fully prepared to move ahead with the work through the summer and into the fall." 

Chair Jonathan Sahrbeck confirmed that other than the request to extend, no other changes  have been made to the site plan and reminded the board that, "There was no opposition to this solar array last year.  I feel comfortable granting the extension."

Board member Andrew Gilbert was absent.

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