Town Manager's Report

The following Interim Town Manager's Report was delivered at the May 13, 2024 Town Council Meeting.

Dear Members of the Town Council:

This is my first regular workday as the interim manager so rather than a review of municipal activities, I wish to make a few comments on the tenure of Matt Sturgis and give a sense of what will be occurring over the next fewmonths of summer while you conduct the manager search.

I have tried to keep a low profile in any municipal matters since the end of December 2016. This generally avoiding comment on anything town related. One exception I have made in private conversations is to always indicate what a great job that I believed Matt was doing. Now, I am less restrained to state what I believe…. At least for a few months.

Matt did a fabulous job serving the community. He appointed new exceptional department heads who have joined a strong team in focusing on service to the community. The financial systems of the town have been strengthened with anew position of finance director. Tax office services are now undertaken in a pleasant and welcoming office area. The police department has traditionally had good relationships with the citizens and youth of our community, but the mutual respect is greater than ever. The emergency medical response is now much more dependable with 24 hour per diem EMTs and the police department EMTS ensuring fast professional responses. Significant new equipment was acquired for the fire department and rescue.

Elections have been carried out without controversy and with more opportunities to vote absentee in person. The library had just opened when I left and the new building and its personnel serve patrons with competent and friendly services and programs. Community Services has been reorganized including ongoing oversight of Fort Williams Park.I stopped by the pool the other day and was happy to hear that all is going well there. The Recycling Center seems tobe more efficient than ever. Our parks, trails and ballfields look great as does the new ice rink at Gull Crest. And I hear that a project at Willow Brook was undertaken which I look forward to seeing soon.

Scott Dyer Road received a much needed update. The Town Center has new sidewalks, trees and lighting. There is a new Town Center Common. A new cell tower was built for our public safety communications and for use by cellular carriers. The pay display parking system was implemented at Fort Williams Park. This enabled significant parking and pedestrian

improvements as well as new pickle ball courts which are almost done. The Museum at

Portland Head Light’s gift shop has had record revenues and vendor opportunities nearby were expanded. The Cape Elizabeth Historic Preservation Society was given a new home at

Officer’s Row. The Town street light system was retrofitted with greater efficiency. Building inspection and code enforcement is improved with an additional building inspector. The town website was expanded and outreach wasprovided through subscription and email lists. Town meetings have expanded information online and many meetings are now livestreamed and there is opportunity for remote active participation.

Severe storms were dealt with, roads were paved, general assistance needs were met, ordinances were updated, projects were reviewed and a revaluation is almost complete. Relationships with other entities were strong including with the Council of Governments, PACTS, MMA, ecomaine, Cumberland County, the Portland Water District, CMP, the gas company, neighboring communities, the State of Maine and with local groups such as the Land Trust, the Lions, Rotary, The Thomas Memorial Library Foundation, the Friends of the Thomas Memorial Library, Little League andbooster organizations for other sports. The Town continued to work cooperatively with the School Department on so much.

I have likely forgotten some important things that occurred while Matt was town manager (and I apologize for any and all oversights) but just the list above is pretty amazing. Most amazing of all is that all of this was accomplished while the COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc with our country and with normal patterns of life.

All the above is a credit to Matt, to the Town Council members who have served, to the town boards and commissions, the department heads, the town staff, our independent contractors and consultants and most of all to the citizens of Cape Elizabeth whose vision and financial contributions enable everything to occur to make this a greatcommunity to live, work and visit.

So, the summer ahead will hopefully continue positive momentum on all of the council goals, will see the revaluation completed, key decisions on the proposed school project, a successful manager search, a start on priorities contained inthe new budget, the beginnings of the election process for November, continuing repair of recent storm damage and work on a substantial website update. We also look forward to the Memorial Day Parade, Family Fun Day, CEHS Graduation and all the other things that will occur.

I also wish to take this opportunity to encourage all citizens to enjoy the many offerings this community has. Take awalk on our trails, bring your kids to the pool or go yourself, check out the Community Services programs, have a Two Lights State Park picnic or just take a walk there. Enjoy a day at Crescent Beach, visit the new History Museum at FortWilliams Park and the Museum at Portland Head Light, check out some books for summer reading at the Library and pay a visit to some of our restaurants and take-out eateries. Check out schedules and additional information at

I look forward to assisting in the next few months, welcoming the new manager and I close by wishing the best for Matt in his new position with the Town of Cumberland.

Respectfully submitted,

Michael McGovern

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