This Week's Schedule

The following provides a list of scheduled meetings for the week of April 8, 2024.  All meetings that are not in executive session are open to the public.


Town Council Meeting, Council Chambers, 7:00 p.m.

The agenda includes:

  • Review of draft minutes from March 11, 2024 and April 1, 2024
  • Consent Calendar Items
    • Consider Renewal of Liquor License and Special Amusement Permit for Tostones Cafe 
    • Consider Authorizing MOU with Town of Scarborough regarding MNRCP Sawer Road Grant
    • Consider Authorizing Grant from Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry for Tree Maintenance
    • Consider Renewal License with the Canterbury at the Cape Condominium Association
    • Consider Referring Draft Vision/Directional Statement for Housing to Workshop
    • Consider Recommendations from the Appointments Committee Regarding Vacancies on the Board of Assessment Review and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
    • Appointment of Election Wardens and Clerks
  • Public Hearing on Process Submission Amendments
  • Consider Proposed Process Submission Amendments
  • Opportunity for Public Comment Relating to the FY 2025 Budget
  • Request from Councilor Anderson to Consider Donation to Project Graduation 2024
  • Consider Scheduling a Public Hearing on Pesticide Ordinance Amendments
  • Consider Scheduling a Public Hearing to Update the Floodplain Management Ordinance
  • Consider Referring ADU Amendments to the Planning Board
  • Request from Councilor Gillis to Consider Placing a Non-Binding Referendum on the November 5, 2024 Ballot Re: Affordable Housing Referendum Question
  • School Budget Validation Referendum Warrant
  • Consider Appointing the Town Council as the Search Committee for a New Town Manager
  • Consider Approving a Request for Proposals to Hire a Search Consultant for a New Town Manager
  • Enter into Executive Session to Discuss the Hiring and Contract for an Acting Town Manager and Request a Hardship Property Tax Abatement
  • Consider the Appointment and Contract for an Acting Town Manager
  • Consider a Request for a Hardship Property Tax Abatement

The agenda and meeting materials are available here.


School Board Meeting, Council Chambers, 6:30 p.m.

The agenda includes the following:

  • Approval of Minutes from Executive Session March 12, 2024 and Regular Meeting, March 12, 2024
  • Presentations
    • Girls' and Boys' Swim Teams Class B State Championships
    • Music Program Honors - CEMS & CEHS
    • High School 2024 Maine BOC All-State Festival
    • Cape Robotics
  • Superintendent's Report
    • SBAC
    • Enrollment Numbers
    • PreK grant update
    • Notification of Retirements
  • New Business
    • Consider to approve the Cape Robotics Team Trip for VEX Robotics World Championship in Dallas, TX
    • Consideration to accept the following CEEF awarded grant with an approximate value of $15,000.
    • Consideration to approve high school music program students travel to the 2025 National Festivals of the States Concert Series in Washington, D.c.
    • Consideration to adopt the 2024-2025 School Board Budget of $35,446,986
    • Consideration to approve the recommended 2024-2025 budgetary warrant article for submission to the Town Clerk
    • Consideration to approve JLCEA - Managing Students with Food Allergies
    • First Readings
    • Policy IKF - Graduation Requirements
    • Policy JKD - Suspension of Studen ts
    • Policy KDA - Public Information Program
    • Policy KLD - Public Complaints about School Personnel

The agenda and meeting materials are available here.

Conservation Committee, Jordan Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.

The agenda includes:

  • Draft Minutes from March 12, 2024
  • Cross Hill Encroachment process
  • Greenbelt Implementation/Management Projects
    • Gnome houses project
    • Nordic Loop at Gull Crest
    • MCC Team to Winnick Woods August 19, visit June 13, prep May 6
    • Parking restrictions -status
    • Tree assessment on the greenbelt
    • Budget - status
    • Other trail work
    • Greenbelt Gazette

The agenda and meeting materials are available here.


Community Services Committee, Community Center, 5:30 p.m.

The agenda includes:

  • Approval of draft minutes from February 14, 2024
  • Correspondence
  • CECS Department Updates
  • Ft. Williams and PHL Update

The agenda and meeting materials are available here.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, Thomas Memorial Library, 6:00 p.m.

The agenda and meeting materials will be posted here when available..

School Building Advisory Committee PUBLIC FORUM, Council Chambers, 6:00 p.m.


SBAC Communications Subcommittee, Jordan Conference Room, 8:30 a.m.

The agenda will be posted here when available.

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