Value change letters from Assessor

The new value change letters from the Assessing Department will be mailed in the coming days.  Once received, anyone wishing to speak with the Assessor can request a 30-minute time slot between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.  Requests for time slots can be made by calling the Assessing Department at 207-799-1619  or by emailing the Assessor Clinton Swett at  Appointments can be used to review your property's data, making sure the data is correct, the number of bedrooms, 1/2 baths, and finished/unfinished basements.

Informal appeals can be heard by the Assessor before taxes are committed in August of 2024.  After tax bills go out in late August, residents have 185 days to appeal -- approximately February of 2025.

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