This Week's Schedule

Updated 2/13/2024:  The School Building Advisory Committee is scheduled to meeting on Thursday, February 15 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers.

The following provides a list of scheduled meetings for the week of February 12, 2024.  All meetings are open to the public.


Town Council, Council Chambers, 7:00 p.m.

The agenda includes:

  • Town Manager's Monthly Report
  • Consent Calendar
    • Renewal of Liquor Licenses and Special Amusement Permit for Purpoodock Club
    • Requests for the Use of Fort Williams Park 2024
    • Consider Referring the Alternative Pesticide Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee
    • Consider Referring the Floodplain Management Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee
    • Consideration to Authorize an Application for the Housing Opportunity Program Municipal Grant
    • Consider Accepting a grant from the Portland Water District for a Water Bottle Filling Station
  • Proposed Conservation Ordinance Events Amendment
  • New Liquor License for 527 Ocean LLC DBA The Good Table
  • Nomination of Spirit of America Award Recipient 
  • Consideration of a Request from Rally For The Courts to Fundraise for New Pickleball Courts at Fort Williams
  • Request for Consideration - Gull Crest Housing Bond
  • Consider Referring Outdoor Storage Amendments to the Planning Board
  • Consider Authorizing the Initiation of the Disposal of Real Estate - Vacant Land Map U29 Lot 40 (Stephenson Street)
  • Request to Transfer Funds to Cover the Cost for the Replacement of a Public Works Department Pickup Truck
  • Request to Transfer Unspent CIP Balance to Other Accounts
  • Approval of Town Council Goals
  • Enter into Executive Session for Consultation with the Code Enforcement Officer Regarding Enforcement Matters at 150 Two Lights Road

The full agenda and meeting materials are available here.


SBAC Finance & Communications Subcommittees, Jordan Conference Room, 10:00 a.m.

The agenda includes:

  • Review and recommendations of draft flyer on projects

The agenda and meeting materials are available here.

School Board, Council Chambers, 6:30 p.m.

The agenda includes:

  • Presentations
    • ELO Student presentations
    • Prinicipal Karnes Pond Cove mid-year update
    • Prinicipal Rubin CEMS mid-year update
    • Principal Springer CEHS mid-year update
  • Administrative and Staff Reports
  • Business Manager's Report
  • Superintendent's Report
    • SBAC
    • Enrollment Numbers
    • Other
  • New Business
    • Consideration to approve the CEHS Model United Nations Trip to Dartmouth College April 5-7, 2024
    • Consideration to approve the CEHS Program of Studies for the 2024-2025
    • Consideration to approve the Accounting Clerk job position
    • Consideration to approve the Cape Elizabeth School Department LAU Plan
    • Consideration to approve Policy IHBEA - English Learners
    • Consideration to Rescind/Delete Policy JJIG - Evaluation of Coaches
    • Consideration to approve Policy KCE - Receiving Education Foundation Funds
    • First Reading Policies
      • Policy JJH - Interrupted Study
      • Policy JKF - Disciplinary Removal of Students with Disabilities
  • Discussion regarding the seven school building solutions presented by Harriman at the School Building Advisory Committee Public Forum held on February 1, 2024
  • School Board agenda requests
  • Committee Reports

The full agenda and meeting materials are available here.

Conservation Committee, Jordan Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.

The agenda includes:

  • Budget
  • Greenbelt Implementation/Management Projects
    • CELT monitoring reports
    • Winnick Woods erosion
    • Nordic Loop at Gull Crest
    • MCC TEam to Winnick Woods August 19
    • Parking Restricitons
    • Other trail work
    • Greenblet Gazette
  • Planning Board Review - No items on the Planning Board's next meeting require Conservation Committee review.

The full agenda and meeting materials are available here.


Community Services Committee, Community Services Center, 5:30 p.m.

The agenda includes:

  • Welcome New Members
  • CECS Updates
  • Fort Williams and PHL Update

The full agenda and meeting materials are available here.


SBAC Communications Subcommittee, Jordan Conference Room, 8:30 a.m.

The agenda and meeting materials will be posted here once available.

Fort Williams Park Committee, Community Services Center, 6:00 p.m.

The agenda incudes:

  • FWP Little League Request - Austin Barrett
  • Friends of Fort Williams Update - Andrea Southworth
  • USS Eagle Wreath Laying Request - Kathy Raftice
  • FWP Update RFP's - Kathy Raftice
    • Food Vendor RFP
    • Stairways RFP
    • Pond Project Update
    • Battery Blair Update
    • Playground Subcommittee Update
  • Emails/Fee Discussion

The agenda and meeting materials are available here.

Town Council Ordinance Committee, Lower Level Conference Room - Town Hall, 6:00 p.m.

The agenda includes:

  • Alternative Pesticide Ordinance (pending Town Council referral on 2/12/24)
  • Process submission amendments 
  • The agenda and meeting materials are available here.

The agenda and meeting materials are available here.

Thomas Memorial Library Committee, Thomas Memorial Library, 6:30 p.m.

The agenda includes:

  • Strategic Planning: Proposal from Will Plumley
  • Goals for 2023
  • Meeting Schedule
  • TML Foundation Update
  • New Business

The agenda and meeting materials are available here.

School Building Advisory Committee, Council Chambers, 6:30 p.m.

The agenda and meeting materials will be posted here once available.

Energy Committee, Jordan Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.

The agenda includes

Climate Action Plan (CAP) - Ongoing

Finalize recommendation to grant

Update from Richard on school project

The agenda and meeting materials are available here.

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