This Week's Schedule

The following provides a list of scheduled meetings for the week of January 16, 2024.  All meetings are open to the public.


Planning Board Meeting - CANCELED

The monthly Planning Board meeting is cancelled due to a lack of items submitted for review. 


School Board Policy Committee, Jordan Conference Room, 4:15 p.m.

The agenda incudes:

  • Old Business
    • JJIG- Evaluation of Coaches
    • KCE - Receiving Education Foundation Funds
    • IHBEA - English Learners
    • JJH and IKF - Interrupted Study and Graduation Requirements
  • New Business
    • JKF - Disclipinary Removal of Students with Disabilities
    • JKF-R - Disciplinary Removal of Students with Disabilities Administrative Procedure

The full agenda and meeting materials are available here.

Town Council Workshop, Council Chambers, 7:00 p.m.

The agenda includes the following items:

  • Update on the revaluation from Town Assessor
  • Town Council Goals
  • Annual Review of Remote Participation Policy

The full agenda and meeting materials are available here.


SBAC Communications Subcommittee, Jordan Conference Room, 8:30 a.m.

The agenda includes:

  • Approval of draft Minutes
  • Review of Communication Plan and Assigned Tasks
  • Review Public Forum Plan for February 1, 2024 to review the seven options prior to SBAC voting on February 8 to select three design options to move forward with the design process.
  • Continue to discuss ideas for gathering public input on options 
  • Public Comment

The full agenda and meeting materials are available here.

SBAC Finance Subcommittee, Jordan Conference Room, 4:00 p.m.

The agenda includes:

  • Historical valuation and tax rate trends - Matthew Sturgis
  • Current debt / bond roll-off schedule - Matthew Sturgis
  • Update on the CIP for Municipal and School - Krisite Bradbury a nd Marcia Weeks
  • Discussion of 1/10/2024 email from Brian Hromadka Re. Capital Funding Plan for CE - Penny Jordan
  • Update on work with financial advisor Joe Cuetara - Matthew Sturgis
  • Update on solar meeting with Harriman Re. solar - Larry Benoit
  • Update on key dates/deliverables on our schedule - Penny Jordan
  • Public Comment

The full agenda and meeting materials are available here.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Subcommittee - CULTURE, Thomas Memorial Library Conference Room, 5:00 p.m.

The agenda includes:

  • Publicity update
  • CELT Trail Walk
  • Other activities
  • Volunteer roles
  • Supplies
  • Other consideration and needs

The full agenda and meeting materials are available here.

Fort Williams Park Committee, Cape Community Center, 6:00 p.m.

The agenda includes: 

  • Welcome new members - Lauren Springer, Terrance Bailey, Curtis Kelly
  • Gorilla Palmer Update - Will Haskell and Bob Malley
  • Approval of December 19, 2023 Draft Minutes
  • FOAA Training - Kathy Raftice
  • Fort Williams 2024 Regular Use Requests
  • Fort Williams FY2025 Budget Discussion

The full agenda and meeting materials are available here.

School Building Advisory Committee, Council Chambers, 6:00 p.m.

The agenda incudes:

  • Approval of minutes from previous meeting
  • Reports and correspondence
  • Bond and Finance Update, Joe Cuetara
  • Presentation and discussion of 7 Preliminary Options, Lisa Sawin

The full agenda and meeting materials are available here.

Energy Committee, Jordan Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.

The agenda includes:

Public Comment

Approval of Minutes from previous meeting

Climate Action Plan (CAP) - Ongoing

Town Website (CAP)

The full agenda and meeting materials are available here.

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