Climate Action Plan

Cape Elizabeth is working on the town's first Climate Action Plan. This includes:

  • A vulnerability assessment, in order to identify hazards that Cape Elizabeth is likely to experience due to climate change. This also assesses where our community is most vulnerable concerning infrastructure, ecosystems, economies, and communities, which will help to prioritize projects and spending to optimally improve the community's resilience.
  • A greenhouse gas emissions inventory, which analyzes the highest emitting sectors in the town and considers municipal operations, transportation emissions, and residential and commercial emissions.
  • A comprehensive climate action plan, which will outline actions to be completed by the Town- with support from residents and businesses- in order to lower emissions and make Cape Elizabeth a more resilient town.
  • Extensive community engagement to make sure the plan is reflective of the town's vision and value.

To be a part of this process, please use the Cape Elizabeth Climate Action Plan website.  

The website, produced with Greater Portland Council of Governments (GPCOG) includes an important survey which the community is asked to complete - Climate Awareness & Concerns.  Residents may provide input on the website, as well as access past and future workshop events, project updates, and a list of climate hazards. 


June 6, 2024, Thomas Memorial Library, 6:30PM

November 30, 2023 Climate Action Plan Workshop Video:

More: Community Spotlight