Scifres Re-Elected to Serve as School Board Chair

At the Tuesday, December 12, 2023 School Board meeting, the board voted unanimously to re-elect Elizabeth Scifres Chair for a second consecutive term.  The School Board also unanimously voted to re-elect Philip Saucier to serve as Vice Chair, for his second consecutive term.  Jennifer McVeigh was also reappointed to serve as Finance Chair.  All positions have a one-year term.

The board also voted to appoint board member representatives to the committees listed below for one-year, as discussed at their December 11 caucus:

Standing Committees:

  • Finance Chair Jennifer McVeigh, with Full Board Membership
  • Buildings and Grounds - Chair Elizabeth Scifres, with Jennifer McVeigh as Member
  • Negotiations - Jennifer McVeigh, Philip Saucier, and Cindy Voltz
  • Policy Chair Kathleen Curry-Sparks, with Heather Altenburg and Caitlin Sweet as Members

Appointments Requiring Board Representation:

  • Calendar - Phil Saucier and Heather Altenburg
  • Dropout Prevention - Heather Altenburg
  • Legislative Liason(s) Delegate Elizabeth Scifres and Alternate Kathleen Curry-Sparks
  • PATHS General Advisory Board - Elizabeth Scifres
  • Sabbatical - Heather Altenburg
  • Technology Steering - Heather Altenburg
  • Wellness - Kathleen Curry-Sparks

Advisory Committees, not requiring reappointment:

  • CE School Building Advisory Committee (SBAC) Chair Cindy Voltz and Member Caitlin Sweet
  • DEI Committee Kathleen Curry-Sparks

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