Town Manager's Monthly Report

Town Manager’s Report delivered at the Town Council Meeting of December 11, 2023

November 30 the Climate Action Plan workshop was held at the Thomas Memorial Library, and was a very well attended event, with an estimated 60 to 70 attendees. This process will continue as the Climate Action Plan is crafted with the Energy Committee and our consultants from Greater Portland Council of Governments. Next month’s council agenda will have a resolution for the council to act on joining the community resilience partnership.

The solar energy installation project at the capped landfill received approval last week from the Department of Environmental Protection, which is a major step in advancing the project, as the permit approval process is an extensive and time consuming item. The next steps will be to ensure all conditions of approval are satisfied, and the permitting process, material acquisition, and other elements of construction are organized and scheduled.  

The tree lighting ceremony was held on Friday, December 8, and was well attended. This event is sponsored by the Cape Courier. 

The Cape Ice Arena held its season opening event last Thursday, December 7, and it was a well attended evening, with the hope of another successful season. 

The Town Finance Director and myself have been providing assistance to the School Building Advisory Committee as general staff support and specialized finance related support, specifically working at the advancement of a comprehensive capital planning document for the Town’s financial planning and budget process. 

The Housing Diversity Study Committee is scheduled to provide their report out from their committee at next month’s council meeting, as confirmed by the committee chair. 

As we enter the holiday season the Town facilities will be closed on December 25 and January 1, please check the Town website for any other holiday closures.

As we swiftly approach the end of the calendar year, I wanted to take the opportunity to wish all a happy holiday season and a healthy and happy new year. 

Respectfully submitted,


Matthew E. Sturgis

Town Manager

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