This Week's Schedule

The following provides a list of scheduled meetings for the week of October 23, 2023.  All meetings are open to the public.


Board of Zoning Appeals, Council Chambers, 7:00 p.m.

The agenda includes:

To hear request of Elizabeth and Kyle Kirby, owners of the property at 20 Surf Road, to enlarge their garage based on Section 19-4-3.B.4  Zoning Ordinance

The full agenda and meeting materials are available here.

School Board Workshop, CEHS Library, 6:30 p.m.

The agenda includes:

  • Review of next steps for SBAC and the building project
  • Discussion and finalization of School Board 2023-2024 Goals
  • Review and discussion of highlights of the CEMS & Pond Cove Educational Programming Report by Dr. Record

The full agenda and meeting materials are available here.


SBAC FInance Subcommittee, Jordan Conference Room, 4:00 p.m.

Agenda items include

  • Finance subcommittee membership and role
  • Discussion of insights from surveys
  • Discussion of budget parameters as we head into feasibility work
  • How does the larger CE capital picture fit with our work
  • Key things we need to know/understand to do our work
  • Set ongoing meetings and agenda items.

The full agenda and meeting materials are available here.

Town Council Ordinance Committee, Jordan Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.

Agenda items include:

  • LD 2003 Amendments

The full agenda and meeting materials are available here.

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