Public Forum on LD 2003 Zoning Ordinance Proposed Amendments

The Town Council Ordinance Committee will host a Public Forum on Monday, October 16, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers on LD 2003.  The forum aims to provide an overview of housing ordinance revisions currently under review by the Town Council. The focus of this event is to address questions regarding proposed ordinance amendments aimed at aligning the town with the new state law, LD 2003. This law seeks to remove certain zoning barriers to promote diverse housing options throughout Maine.  

A podcast providing more information in advance of the public forum was recently published.  FMI: CLICK HERE.

To access all meeting materials, processes, and more, visit the LD 2003 page on the Town website.

This forum will be streamed live and recorded for future viewing.  FMI:  CLICK HERE.

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